- He gave me the information I asked for straight off the reel. 他滔滔不绝地向我介绍我所询问的情况。
- I told him straight off what I thought about the matter. 我立刻告诉了他我对此事的看法。
- He knew straight off that I was a newcomer. 他一看就知道我是一个新来的人。
- He should be arrested straight off. 应该立即逮捕他。
- It just went straight off the cliff. 校车径直开下了悬崖他们全都死了。
- Pug saw no reason not to relieve Hickman straight off. 帕格发现没有理由不去马上接替希克曼。
- I told her right away straight off what I thought of her. 我马上告诉了她我对她的看法。
- He gives me the information I ask for straight off the reel. 他滔滔不绝地向我介绍我所询问的情况。
- She asked him straight off what he thought about it all. 她率直地问他对这一切有什么想法。
- You look like you've walked straight off the set of a horror movie. 你看起来就像直接从恐怖电影里走出来的人一样。
- After school is over,you come home straight off,and don't waste time. 放学后你要立刻回家,不要浪费时间。
- He made a speech straight off the reel without stumbling over a word. 他口若悬河,一字不顿地发表了演讲。
- The men can roll the vehicles straight off the boat and drive the goods directly to shops. 人们可以将货车从船上装货开出,直接送往商店。
- It was exciting as a play for Rhoda, that the two men were actually talking straight off about that fateful trip. 对罗达来说,这两个男人实际上直截了当地谈起那次宿命性的旅行倒是一幕动人心弦的戏剧。
- We are not expecting top performances straight off the mark, and we will rethink our strategy to work around this. 我们追求的不是团队当前的表现和成绩,我们会围绕团队来重新制定我们的战术策略。
- The men can roll the vehicles straight off the boat and drive the goods directly to shops. 人们可以将货车从船上装货开出,直接送往商店。
- Gowing annoyed me very much by filling a large tumbler of champagne, and drinking it straight off . 高英倒了一大杯香槟,一饮而尽,这让我很不高兴。
- He ate in a cheap restaurant in the vicinity, and, being cold and lonely, went straight off to seek the loft in question. 他在附近一家便宜的餐馆吃了饭,因为又冷又寂寞,就直接去找前面提到的阁楼了。
- Turn the cover counterclockwise for 1/4 turn, and lift it straight off while still applying pressure to the cover with your hand. 逆时针方向将阀盖旋转1/4圈,然后在用手压住阀盖的同时将其笔直提起。
- He rejoined following repairs, but then aquaplaned straight off the road in the downpour that hit the first part of the race. 在进站修理后他重新回到赛道,但在那场使比赛不得不中止的倾盆大雨中他直冲出赛道。