- storm into the enemy position 攻入敌阵
- The scouts infiltrated into the enemy positions. 侦察兵渗透到敌人阵地后面去了。
- Bullets from our wing gun ripped into the enemy plane. 我们的机翼固定机枪发出的子弹射入敌机机身。
- Brushing the enemy aside, we swept into the next town. 我们扫除了敌人,昂首阔步地攻入了下一座城市。
- Tanks lanced on into the enemy's position. 坦克车急速冲进敌军阵地。
- The enemy plane spiraled down into the ocean. 敌机旋转着落入大海。
- Bullets from our wing gun ripped into the fuselage of the enemy plane. 从我们机翼上发出的枪弹击中敌机机身。
- John stormed into the meeting waving a piece of paper about. 约翰手中挥动着一张纸,怒气冲冲地闯进了会议室。
- The soldiers were tearing into the enemy. 战士们正向敌人猛攻。
- He stormed into the office, flourishing a letter of complaint. 他挥舞著一封投诉信冲进了办公室。
- Two soldiers lured the enemy into the trap. 两名战士引诱敌人进入伏击圈。
- The American army charged into the enemy's camp. 美国的军队冲锋进敌军的军营。
- They slammed rockets into the enemy's positions. 他们向敌军阵地猛烈地发射火箭。
- The soldiers stormed into the fort. 士兵们奋起冲入要塞。
- He fell into the hands of the enemy. 他落入敌人的手中。
- Don't let it fall into the hands of the enemy. 不要让它落入敌人手中。
- The teacher came storming into the classroom determined to punish the naughty children. 老师气冲冲地闯进教室,决意要处罚顽皮的孩子们。
- Soon afterwards, Ira came storming into the clinic. 不久以后,艾拉闯入医务室。
- Our forces once again pierced into the enemy's lines. 我们的部队再一次突破敌人的防线。
- He stormed into the office in a rage. 他怒气冲冲地闯入办公室。