- store - type super markets 仓储式超市
- I bought some pomegranates in the super market. 我在超市上买了一些石榴。
- My wife badgered me to take her to the super market store. 我的妻子吵着要我带她去超级市场。
- Petty pilfering is on the increase in super market. 超市里的小偷小摸现象日见增多。
- It is between the super market and the bank. 它在超市和银行中间。
- These big super markets displaced privately owned grocery stores. 这些大型超市取代了私人开的杂货店。
- The square is flanked by a super market and the City Hall. 广场的一侧是一家超级市场;另一侧是市政厅。
- Sorry, price-negotiating is not permitted in super market. 对不起,超市里不能还价。
- The star fruit in the super market are not fresh now. 超市里的杨桃都不新鲜了。
- The new type super fine organic double crossing modified betonies clay has been selected as provincial innovative and high technology products. 超细有机复配改性膨润土为省级高新技术产品,保证了公司产品在国内外同行业产品的领先地位。
- It is called "bread crumb". You can get it in any super market. 请问面包粉是什麽粉?在国外怎麽买?
- Does shopping on line have the same procedures as shopping in the super market? 网上购物与超市购物过程一样吗?
- By the same time of next year, they will ser up a big super market here. (15) 到明年这个时候;他们将在这里建成一座大型超市.
- The vegetables sold in the super market which I often go to are fresher than those in other super markets. 我常去的哪个超市的水果比其他超市的新鲜。
- Frozen coral garoupa filet is available in most super markets or frozen meat shops. 急冻东星鱼柳可于大超级市场或大冻肉公司购买。
- I got a new coat in that store last week. 上礼拜我在那家店买了一件新外套。
- I went to the super market to buy some insecticide."Is this any good for beetles?" I asked the shop assistant. 它将会杀他们我去超级市场买一些杀虫剂。"它适合甲虫吗他答复。
- Our happiest moment of the day would be after work when we go to the super market to buy things for tea. 最幸福的是晚上下班,我们一起去超市买蔬菜和食品。
- T: If you go to the Super market to buy something, please put to use what we learned today, will you? 如果你去超市买东西,请把今天所学的?
- Apply on the high quality building, and airport, public square, large super market, exchibition etc lighting. 适用于高档建筑照明,广场,机场,大型超市,展览馆等照明。