- Storage methods: placing a cool dry place. 贮存方法:置于阴凉干燥处。
- He may have to rely more heavily on the short-term stores and perhaps also devise new storage methods to supplement those of nature. 人类将不得不更多地依赖于能量的短期储备,或许还得找出新的储备方法来补充自然界的能量储备。
- Once you have an isolated storage file object, you can use the isolated storage methods to read, write, create, and delete files and file directories. 一旦具有了独立存储文件对象之后,您便可以使用独立存储方法来读取、写入、创建和删除文件及文件目录了。
- Your best storage method depends on the type of e-mail account you have, and on your personal preferences. 最佳存储方法取决于您的电子邮件帐户类型以及您的个人偏好。
- The paper expounds the management mode and the storage method of consumables in our hospital. 本文阐述了我院医疗耗材的管理模式及保管方法。
- The underground salt cavity created by solution mining used for storage has great advantages over other storage methods. 利用水溶开采技术建造的地下岩盐溶腔用于存储与其它存储方法相比具有很大的优势。
- Because of the special storage method of LNG,when boiling off,it will give out vast cold energy. 液化天然气由于其特殊的存储方式,因而在汽化时将放出巨大的冷量。
- This paper introduces the basic idea and algorithm of sparse Matrix multiplication by using incompact storage method. 摘要介绍了对稀疏矩阵进行压缩存储时,稀疏矩阵相乘运算的基本思想和算法。
- During the analysis, it is discovered that the event processing method, restoration and storage methods are still the control point of the simulation time. 在分析的过程中发现了事件处理方式、存储和恢复算法的选择依然是控制仿真时间长短的关键点。
- The effects of seed storage methods on seed germination rate and seedling annual growth rhythm of Magnolia officirtalis. var biloba was studied in this paper. 摘要对凹叶厚朴的种子保存方式及相应的播种苗的发芽情况、幼苗生长规律进行统计分析。
- According to the ZBO storage methods of other cyogenic liquids, an idea of centralized recondensation of liquid hydrogen in large containers by using cryocoolers was suggested. 借鉴其它低温液体的无损储存方案,提出利用低温制冷机对大型液氢储槽内蒸发气体进行集中再冷凝的构想。
- Storage methods for nature gas include gaseous storage, liquid gas sto rage and solid gas storage, and there are corresponding characteristic for every storage techniques. 天然气可以气态、液态和固态三种方式储存,每种储存方式都有其相应特点。
- This paper deals with storage methods,storage temperatures and changes of chemical substances during storage of Chinese chestnut ( Castanea mollissima cv. 研究了板栗的贮藏方式、贮藏温度及贮藏过程中板栗品质的变化。
- On the basis of the waveform storage method, a digital generation system scheme for ultra wide-band radar LFM pulse compression signals is presented in this paper. 该文基于波形存储直读法,提出了一种超宽带线性调频信号数字产生系统方案。
- In the last few decades,antioxidation has been given more and more attentions for its important roles in medical treatment,health care and the storage method of food. 近十几年来,抗氧化作用因在医疗、保健、食品保鲜等领域内占有越来越重要的地位而引起人们的普遍关注。
- The invention provides a technology for storing rubber seeds, relating to pretreatment, storage method and sowing and pregermination technology of fresh rubber seeds. 本发明为橡胶种子的贮藏技术,涉及鲜活橡胶种子的前处理、贮藏方法及播种催芽技术。
- Finding your stuff is the most important, if you cant find anything youre completely stuck already, so heres a short explanation of the games storage method. 最重要的是找到你想要的文件。如果你可以找到任何你想要的东西,那么你已经完全可以开展工作。
- Once safe and reliable hydrogen storage methods are available, off-board fuel processing at the filling station becomes a viable avenue for generating the hydrogen needed for transportation. 安全可靠的氢储存方式出现之后,在补充站外进行燃料加工以生产运输工具所需的氢燃料,也就没什麽问题了。
- The author summarizes and states the application of comprehensive thermal storage method in winter concrete construction using engineering practice combing with his many years experience. 本文作者结合自己多年的工程实践,用工程实例对综合蓄热法在砼冬季施工中的应用进行了总结和论述。
- Advances in the research of the storage of entomopathogenic nematodes(EPN) Steinernema and Heterorhabditis were reviewed in terms of the principles of the storage,the established storage methods,the factors influencing the storage and formulation of EPNs. 阐述了昆虫病原线虫的贮存原理,介绍业已建立的昆虫病原线虫贮存方法及其优缺点,影响昆虫病原线虫贮存效果的主要因素,并讨论了昆虫病原线虫剂型制备方法。