- I had planned to bring you to this stone tablet. 我本来就是要带你来看这块石碑的。
- This stone tablet must be priceless. 这块石碑一定价值连城。
- But there is a Nanzhao Dehua Stone Tablet. 不过倒有一块南诏德化碑,
- The stone tablet erected for Duke Yang still stands. 羊公碑尚在
- Historical records cite the contents of the stone tablet. 好在有历史资料记载了石碑上的内容。
- On the stone tablet are inscribed words in Sanskrit. 这块碑石上刻的是梵文。
- The stone tablets inscribed with the Law of Moses. 摩西十诫:刻有摩西律法的石碑。
- Tanan has five stone tablets, the well-preserved. 塔南有石刻碑记五块,保存完好。
- We have three stone tablets here. 这里一共有三块石碑。
- Stone tablet calligraphy was popular in the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China. 自清代至民国时期,碑派书法较盛,
- There is another stone tablet bearing the following words: Dismount, all civil and military officials. 又一块碑石上,刻着“文武官员至此下马”。
- A stone tablet inscribed with a sketch map of China's Five Sacred Mountains dating from the Ming Dynasty. 明代五岳真形图碑。
- The inscriptions on the stone tablet have become blurred with the passage of time. 年代久了, 石碑上的字迹已经模糊了。
- The sculpture on the bottom of the stone tablet showcases to perfection the artistic style of the Tang Dynasty. 这个碑座的雕刻很能体现唐代艺术风格。
- We can see from the stone tablet that he was a general with distinctive performance in wars. 从神道碑上可以看出,他以前是一位战功卓著的将军。
- Owing to the ravages of wind and rain, the inscription on the stone tablet is already undecipherable. 由于风雨剥蚀,碑文已无法辨认。
- Anyone who reaches the top will pass a stone tablet with the inscription: “Both civil officials and military officers must demount here. 山顶有一通石碑,上刻“文武百官到此下马”几个大字。
- Stone Tablets: The CMM is not engraved on stone tablets. 石碑:CMM并不是雕刻在石碑上的。
- The Lord gave me two stone tablets inscribed by the finger of God. 耶和华把那两块石版交给我,是神用指头写的。
- Not in stone tablets but fleshly tablets of the heart. 不是寫在石版上,乃是寫在肉心上。