- stocks full circulation 全流通
- If there is no full circulation of pressure, what our market? 假如没有全流通的压力,我们的市场会怎么样?
- Over time, in addition to the new listed company, the historical question will become a full circulation of eye back off. 随着时间的推移,除了未来新上市的公司以外,历史遗留的全流通问题终将成为过眼往事。
- In the full circulation times, the market value of this new management is sues and the significance of the role of an unprecedented increase. 在全流通时代,市值管理这一全新课题的意义和作用得到空前的提升。
- the pricing of the full circulation of stock 全流通股定价
- With this irritation any overexcitement makes an extreme call for full circulation (rather than the normal) thus directing too much blood to the superficial circulation. 在这种刺激下,任何过于激动的反应都特别需要充分的流通(而不是平常的流通)从而引导过多的血液流向体表循环。
- The druggist put in a full stock of drugs. 那位药商进了一大批药品。
- The next morning, the daughters woke up and found their stockings full of gold which is enough to dower them. 随即,他从口袋里掏出三小包黄 金从烟囱上一个个投下去,刚好掉在女孩们的长统袜里。
- full circulation semicircle pipe jacket 全流通半圆管夹套
- Six banked points, a stocking full of goals and perhaps even time for some idle, close-harmony carolling during the closing stages. 6分积分,满满一长袜的进球,对某些无所事事的人来说很出色的比赛,还有终场前合唱的圣歌。
- Potential Problems Analysis of Legal Persons'Cross- Holding in China's Listed Companies After Full Circulation of Stocks 全流通后我国上市公司法人交叉持股的潜在问题分析
- We need to replenish our stocks of coal. 我们需要再次补充煤的储备。
- She's got all her money in stocks and shares. 她所有的钱都投放到股票里去了。
- A new nuclear power station is on the stocks here. 这座新的核电站在建造之中。
- Oil stocks bottomed out in the market. 石油的股票行市停泻回升。
- The shelves are stocked full. 货架子上摆满各种商品。
- My bank deals in stocks and shares now. 我们银行现在经营债券与股票。
- Her new novel is off the stocks. 她的新小说已经脱稿了。
- He walked with a stride full of purpose. 他迈着坚定的步伐向前走。
- Stocks generally lowered in value. 股票普遍下跌。