- The Ecotypic Stock Raising Farm 畜牧生态养殖园区
- Stock raising is actively carried on. 畜牧业得到大力发展。
- They had come to impart their experience in stock raising. 他们是来传授饲养牲畜的经验的。
- All this has helped raise farm yields steadily. 所有这些促使农业产量不断增长。
- They had come to pass on their experience in stock raising. 他们是来传授饲养牲畜的经验的。
- All these have helped raise farm yields steadily. 所有这些都有助于农业产量的稳步提高。
- Can foreknow the stock raising of this area also enters a new development level subsequently. 可以预见该区的畜牧业也随之进入一个新的发展阶段。
- "Center " already became broad cadre, masses to develop stock raising to produce " backer " . “中心”已成为广大干部、群众发展畜牧业生产的“靠山”。
- The author thinks, honshu ought to develop part food stock raising energetically in structural adjustment. 笔者认为,本州在结构调整中应当大力发展节粮型畜牧业。
- Accordingly, place stock raising the position in agriculture and even national economy, the pace that quickens stock raising modernization is crucial. 因此,摆正畜牧业在农业乃至国民经济中的地位,加速畜牧业现代化的步伐至关重要。
- Element of our country broad farmer has the tradition that is engaged in stock raising production, but just regard a family as avocation before. 我国广大农民素有从事畜牧业生产的传统,但以往只是作为家庭副业。
- Cultivate birds feed is a lot of more phyletic, but look from whole stock raising, grazing should be occupied the majorrest. 畜禽饲料种类很多,但从整个畜牧业看,牧草应占最大部分。
- Chinese Vice Premier Hui Liangyu on Friday called for more efforts to raise farm output and efficiency with the minimum consumption of resources. 国务院副总理回良玉星期五在一次研讨会上呼吁更加努力地提高农副产品的产量,有效地降低资源的消耗。
- We see in the experience that faces Qu from Shandong, stock raising development and construction of pasturage vet team are harmonious relationship. 从山东临朐的经验中我们看到,畜牧业发展与畜牧兽医队伍建设是水乳交融的关系。
- Where does Tianjin still have the book selling pet tortoise raise farm's except northeast China angle bookshop and book edifice? 您的位置:我也知道>地区>天津>天津除了东北角书店和图书大厦外,哪里还有卖宠物龟饲养的书的?
- However the Xinjiang stock raising in reality is in a backward development phase however, with its resource advantage extremely unworthily. 然而现实中的新疆畜牧业却处于一个落后的发展阶段,与其资源优势极不相当。
- The SSM is a mechanism which allows developing countries to raise farm tariffs if imports surge, thus protecting the interests of poor farmers. 农村保障制度是允许发展中国家在进口过剩的情况下提高农业关税,保护贫困农民利益的一项措施。
- Silage maize takes the quietly important position, which is one tendency of maize using, even developing of the whole farming and stock raising. 青贮玉米是当今玉米利用乃至整个农牧业协调发展的导向之一。
- Socialist market economy brought lease of life to stock raising development, science and technology produces infuse to pasturage new vitality. 社会主义市场经济给畜牧业发展带来了生气,科学技术给畜牧生产注入了新的活力。
- Because our rural population is much, encourage farmer to develop stock raising actively, let stock raising transform from rural avocation give priority to course of study. 由于我们农村人口多,鼓励农户积极发展畜牧业,让畜牧业从农村副业转变成为主业。