- stock right incentive plans 股权激励
- Analysis of Difficulties in the Process of Carrying out an All-round Stock Right Incentive Mechanism in Listed Companies 上市公司全面推行股权激励机制的难点分析
- In fact, the stock price plummeted, the right of the difficulties, it has become a listed company canceled a number of equity incentive plans. 事实上,股价暴跌、行权困难,这已经成为诸多上市公司取消股权激励计划的原因。
- This ar ticle introduces briefly the stock optio n incentive plan. 简单介绍了股票期权激励计划。
- But we only have 6 in stock right now. 但是我们只有6只存货。
- The Company is formulating an incentive plan for senior management including plans of stock option. 公司正在制定包括股权激励为内容的管理层激励方案。
- Incentive plans can therefore mediate against change and responsiveness. 激励计划因此会与改变和响应度相抵触。
- Stock op tion incentive plan has been used by man y foreign companies, especially the Hi-T ecs, to encourage employees. 近年来,许多国外企业尤其是高科技企业采用股票期权激励计划来激励员工。
- As an incen tive means, Stock option incentive plan , has , many functions such as encouraging and , reta ining employees, raising company cohesio n, etc. 作为一种激励手段,股票期权激励计划具有激励员工、保留员工、提高企业凝聚力等多种功能。
- The Solutions to Disputes about Stock Right Transfer of the Co. Ltd. 有限责任公司股权转让纠纷解决机制思考。
- As an incen tive means, Stock option incentive plan, has, many functions such as encouraging and, reta ining employees, raising company cohesio n, etc. 作为一种激励手段,股票期权激励计划具有激励员工、留员工、高企业凝聚力等多种功能。
- However, the property right of technique achievements and the property right incentive mechanism of technique innovation can conquer the negative effect of the spillage effect of technique innovation. 而技术成果产权化以及与之相适应的技术创新产权激励机制,则是克服技术创新溢出效应消极作用的重要途径。
- In the state's financial stake in corporate incentive and employee stock ownership before the promulgation of the policy, companies can not implement equity incentive plan, or ESOP. 在国家对金融企业股权激励和员工持股政策颁布之前,各公司不得实施股权激励或员工持股计划。
- The stock right owned by the former scientific research institute shall come up to the prescribed standard. 原科研机构所占的股权比例达到规定标准。
- The purpose of this bulletin is to announce dealer incentive plan for Jan-Feb 2009 for Ford brands of CFMA. 本公告的目的是宣布长安福特马自达福特品牌系列车型09年1-2月份的经销商激励政策。
- After 10 years of shareholding period, the return can also be realized by the means of remising the stock right. 10年稳定持股期过后,也可以采用出让股权的方式实现。
- These different views make the discus of inherit of stock right more complicated. 这些观点的不同,使得对股权继承问题的探讨更加复杂。
- In China, however, the stock-based incentive plan is seldom used in the state-owned enterprises and the effect of existent plan is not good. 目前,由于现有制度的问题,我国国有企业的股权激励不足与激励不当的问题并存,激励效果也不尽理想。