- Ownership Structure and Initial Publi. 所有权结构与首次公开发行。
- The ownership structure includes two aspects, the concentricity of the stock ("quantity" nature) and the nature of the shareholders ("quality" nature). 股权结构包括股东性质(“质”的性质)与股权集中度(“量”的性质)两个方面。
- The ownership structure was further readjusted and improved. 所有制结构进一步调整和完善。
- Major breakthroughs have been made in the reform of China's ownership structure. 中国所有制结构的改革也取得了很大的突破。
- The results indicate that ownership concentration has little explanatory power but ownership structure does matter . 结果表明,股权集中度对公司价值只有极少的解释作用,而股权性质比例对公司价值有明显的解释作用。
- Study of dividend policy from the respective of ownership structure is hot around the world in recent years. 摘要从股权结构角度研究股利政策是近年来各国学者研究的热点问题。
- It is necessary to strengthen readjustment of the industrial structure, ownership structure and enterprise structure. 加大产业结构、所有制结构和企业结构的调整力度。
- Jensen M,Meckling W.Theory of the Firm:managerial Behavior,Agency Costs and Ownership Structure[J]. 张兆国;宋丽梦;张庆.;我国上市公司资本结构影响股权代理成本的实证分析[J];会计研究;2005(8):44-49
- It demonstrates moderating effect environmental dynamism imposed on ownership structure and corporate performance. 国家股与公司绩效存在非线性关系;
- Mecking, Theory of the firm : Managerial Behavior , Agency Costs and Ownership Structure ,3 J.Fin. 吴志攀:公司治理结构与资本市场监管-比较与借鉴北京:北京大学出版社。
- Ownership structure contradicts inconsequently, restricted the development that saves economy completely greatly. 所有制结构不合理的矛盾,在很大程度上制约了全省经济的发展。
- Unreasonable ownership structure of companies appearing on market,results in insider control and the falsification of accounting information. 我国上市公司股权结构的特点造成了公司治理的失效,容易产生"内部人控制",易引发会计信息失真。
- We will continue to advance the market-oriented reform, readjust and improve ownership structure, and further emancipate and develop productive forces. 我们将继续推进市场取向的改革,调整和完善所有制结构,进一步解放和发展生产力。
- Over the issue of diversified ownership structure, we have to make sure that all forms of economic ownership can compete on a level playing field. 关于多种所有制的问题,我们必须保证不同所有制经济都能够在同一起跑线上平等竞争。
- Form: Attract strategic investors both domestically and internationally and diversify ownership structure, but maintain dominance of state share. 形式:选择境内外战略投资者,改变单一股权结构,实现投资主体多元化,但保持国家控股。
- The Perspective of New institutional Economics in the Relationship of Land Use Governance and Ownership Structure: Freehold, State-hold or Others? 从新制度经济学的观点分析产权结构与土地使用制度之关系:私有制、国有制还是其他?
- Through the newest dada, the forth part analyzesed the influence which the ownership structure takes upon the corporate governance. 第四部分利用最新的2004年数据,从实证的角度分析了我国最近几年来,股权结构及公司治理的特点、变化及相互影响;
- The Perspective of New Institutional Economics in the Relationship of Land Use Governance and Ownership Structure:Freehold、State-hold or Others? 从新制度经济学的观点分析产权结构与土地使用制度之关系:私有制、国有制还是其他?
- In the recent years, the irrational economic structure, namely the ownership structure and industrial structure, has decelerated the Yanbian economy. 延边经济发展近年来有趋缓现象,究其原因,主要是经济结构不合理。
- The druggist put in a full stock of drugs. 那位药商进了一大批药品。