- stifle new things 扼杀新生事物
- Edison had a remarkable aptitude for inventing new things. 爱迪生具有发明创造的非凡才能。
- I thought I had but a trifle to do, but a lot of new things cast up. 我本来以为没有什么可做了,可是突然间冒出了许多事情。
- He is interested in all the new things in the city. 他对城里所有的新鲜事感兴趣。
- They have little difficulty in learning new things. 他们学习新东西不费吹灰之力。
- I am quite interested in learning new things. 我对学习新知识很感兴趣。
- Strong skill of adapt to and learn new things. 很强的适应学习能力。
- I'm quite interested in learning new things. 我对学习新知识很感兴趣。
- Tommy is quick to learn new things. 汤米接受新事物很快。
- My parents always encourage me to try new things. 我父母总是鼓励我尝试新的东西。
- Jose: Every day can find new things of you. 每天都有新的发现。
- He is going to make new things from coal and oil. 他打算用煤和石油制成新东西。
- I enjoy learning about new things. 我喜欢了解新事物。
- Life is always presenting new things to children. 生活总是不断地呈现给孩子们新。
- The young are better at learning new things. 年轻人更善于学习新事物。
- You're always ready to try new things. 你准备随时尝试新事物。
- New things come into fashion all the time. 新产品总是很快就会流行起来。
- He is quick to learn new things. 他新事物学得快。
- His pessimism keeps him from trying new things. 他的悲观情绪使他不能尝试新事物。
- Tell us, are there any new things? 你说说,有什么新鲜的玩艺儿?