- stiff standard cultivator 刚柄式中耕机
- Standard Cultivation Technique of Non - polluted Gynura divaricala DC. 富贵菜无公害标准化栽培技术。
- The outline and process of the standard cultivation technique of non-polluted yam were briefly introduced in this paper. 从整地施肥、选种播种、田间管理、浇水、追肥、病虫害防治等方面介绍了出口山药的无公害标准化栽培技术。
- Study on SOP of Standardization Cultivation of Areca catechu L. 槟榔规范化种植与保护抚育标准操作规程的研究。
- The thought of my exams next week scares me stiff. 我一想到下星期要考试就很紧张。
- The soldier stood stiff as a ramrod. 这士兵站得笔直。
- Study on Standardized Cultivation of Desmodium Styracifolium(Osb.)Merr. 广金钱草规范化栽培技术
- The standardized cultivation of Desmodium styracifolium (Osb.) Merr. was setup. 确定广金钱草的规范化种植规程。
- An extremely stiff, erect posture. 过分笔直,僵立的姿态
- Job of hair of whole sleave of Hangzhou city land gives effect 1, the standard cultivated land that achieved province government make known to lower levels two years ahead of schedule builds the task. 杭州市土地整理开发工作出成效 1、提前两年完成了省政府下达的标准农田建设任务。
- The stiff stalk of various grasses. 梗草各种草的硬花梗
- She cleaned the sink with a stiff brush. 她用硬毛刷清洗水槽。
- She sat there as stiff as a ramrod. 她笔直地端坐在那儿。
- She sat there stiff as a ramrod. 她笔直地端坐在那儿。
- He was sitting upright, as stiff as a poker. 他正襟危坐,纹丝不动。
- Stir the flour and milk to a stiff paste. 把面粉和牛奶搅成很稠的糊。
- There is a standard form of oath used in lawcourts. 法庭中使用的誓词有固定的格式。
- He was sitting upright, stiff as a poker. 他正襟危坐,纹丝不动。
- This is one of the standard books on the subject. 这是有关这个问题的权威著作之一。
- That was a shock I need a stiff drink! 这可真吓人--我得喝点烈酒了。