- sthenia gastropyrexia 胃中实热, 胃实热
- However asthenia of Qi is the main reason in the root,sthenia in the branch is heat poison and blood stasis. 用药以补益药、清热泻火药、清热凉血药、止血药、活血祛瘀药、清热燥湿药为主。
- Thoracic obstruction into asthenia syndrome(yang asthenia,yin asthenia),sthenia syndrome(turbid phlegm,blood stasis). 胸痹分虚证(阳虚、阴虚)、实证(痰浊、血瘀)。
- Action: Blocked and high wind-heat;simultaneous sthenia in the exterior and interior. 功效:疏风解表,清热通便-- 主治:风热壅盛,表里俱实证。
- Circulating immune complexes (CIC) in serum were determined in 35 cases of mya- sthenia gravis and in 19 cases of multiple sclerosis respectively. 用聚乙二醇沉淀物组分分析法测定35例重症肌无力和19例多发性硬化患者血清循环免疫复合物(CIC)。
- The turnover in later stage is very complicated,and symptoms are inclusion of asthenia and sthenia,coldness and hotness showing ... 把握辨病与辨证结合的原则,合理应用祛风与祛湿药。
- In clinic syndrome differentiation,Zhang especially attached importance to syndrome differentiation of asthenia and sthenia. 张景岳在临床治疗辨证中,尤其重视虚实辨证。
- Zhang Shiqing emphasizes the detailed differentiation of asthenia and sthenia on the syndromes examination of children s anorexia. 张士卿教授在对小儿厌食症的审证上注重详辨虚实,实证用曲麦枳术汤加减,虚证用参苓白术散加减;
- In clinic syndrome differentiation, Zhang especially attached importance to syndrome differentiation of asthenia and sthenia. 摘要张景岳在临床治疗辨证中,尤其重视虚实辨证。
- Clinically,the doctor may use one hand to push along or against the course of the channel in one direction.It has the function of treating asthenia and reducing sthenia . 临床应用时,可以单手做顺经或逆经的单方向用力直推,有补虚泻实的治疗作用;
- It could be found that the pathogenesis and development is due to asthenia and sthenia of the spleen and stomach, which can forecast the prognosis of diease. 治疗时立法、组方、用药、服法应处处顾护脾胃;诊察脾胃之气的盛衰可测知疾病的传变及预后;
- It is pointed out that the diabetic retinopathy is the syndrome of asthenia in origin and sthenia in superficiality.It is the result of deficiency of Qi and Yin. 认为糖尿病视网膜病变为本虚标实之证,病机特点是气阴两虚为本,痰瘀互结、热毒阻络为标。
- From the changes of pulse, we will be able to predict sthenia and asthenia of“ Yin Yang”of the body, growth and decline of body and the pathogenic factor. 从脉寸的变好化,可以测知人体的阴阳盛衰,邪正的消长。
- Results:The pathogenic mechanism of traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) of ITP is asthenia in the root and in the branch,or mixture of asthenia and sthenia. 辨证分型以血热妄行、气不摄血、阴虚火旺、脾气虚、瘀血阻络等为其主要证型。
- The production of proteinuria is caused by nothing else but the asthenia of the principal and the sthenia of the secondary,the sthenia of the pathogens and the asthenia of the vital qi. 蛋白尿的产生不外乎本虚标实,邪实正虚,且两者相互影响。
- Method: 99 cases of migraine were divided into wind cold,liver sthenia,phleym dampness,blood stasis based on difference of TCM types.The hemorheological changes of the different types were observed. 方法:99例偏头痛患者分为风寒型、肝旺型、痰湿型、瘀血型。
- By asthenia and sthenia the primary and secondary emergency and take care,and pay attention to comprehensive analysis by the four examination methods,to conduct an overall nurse differentiation. 按虚实的主次缓急而兼顾同护,并注意四诊合参,进行整体的辨证施护。
- excessive sthenia with pseudoasthenia 大实有赢状
- exercise for purging sthenia fire of renal meridian 泻肾经实火法
- external asthenia and internal sthenia 表虚里实