- stereotype content model (SCM) 刻板印象内容模型
- Specialized elements can be substituted for elements in the base content model. 可以用专门化的元素替换基本内容模型内的元素。
- In fact, it can literally be said that SCORM is a packaging and delivery specification in search of a content model. 事实上,准确地说SCORM是一种寻求内容模型的打包和交付规范。
- This class is for complex types with complex content model derived by extension. 此类用于通过扩展而派生的具有复杂内容模型的复杂类型。
- The following example attempts to create an XML schema with a non-deterministic content model. 下面的示例尝试创建具有不确定的内容模型的XML架构。
- The specialized content model must be consistent with the content model for the base element. 专门化的内容模型必须同基本元素的内容模型一致。
- Here in Part 1, the authors posit a set of extensions to DITA XML that provide the starting point for a unifying content model for learning. 本文是第1部分,作者建立了一套DITA XML扩展,作为统一学习内容模型的起点。
- Content Model: Adding a child to an ItemsControl object implicitly adds it to the ItemCollection for the ItemsControl object. 内容模型:向ItemsControl对象添加一个子项会隐式将其添加到该ItemsControl对象的ItemCollection。
- If you want to migrate to a command reference, and it has the same content model as the basic reference, then you can simply copy the reference model. 如果希望迁移到命令参考,而且内容模型和基本的参考相同,那么只需复制参考模型即可。
- On the design surface, you create an unnamed complex type by building up the content model in the design grid of an element. 在设计图面上,通过在元素的设计网格中生成内容模型来创建未命名的复杂类型。
- Unnamed types are typically used when a particular content model is needed to describe a single occurrence of an element. 当需要某特定内容模型描述出现一次的元素时,通常使用未命名类型。
- When used in an element declaration, this keyword permits an open unrestricted content model for the elements and any of its child nodes. 如果在元素声明中使用此关键字,元素及其所有子节点允许一个开放的、没有限制的内容模型。
- The content models are generally hard to use for complex requirements. 对于复杂需求通常很难使用内容模型。
- An unnamed group is defined as an inclusive part of the content model of a complex type definition, as opposed to being named and explicitly referenced. 未命名组作为复杂类型定义的内容模型的内含组成部分来定义,与命名和显式引用相对。
- Although at least one set of parentheses is required whenever declaring a content model for an element, you can nest additional sets of parentheses as well. 尽管只要为元素声明内容模型,就至少需要一对括号,但是,也可以嵌套更多对括号。
- In addition to teaching content model, but also play some more good pop music and children's favorite songs, songs, etc. in order to cultivate children's interest and the quality of music. 除了要示范教学内容外,还要多演奏一些通俗好听的乐曲和儿童喜欢的儿歌,歌曲等,以培养儿童的兴趣及音乐素质。
- For example, the DTD may contain nested entities or complex content models that can take an inordinate amount of time to process. 例如,DTD可能包含嵌套实体或复杂内容模型,可能需要很长的时间来处理。
- Teaching content should be concise. 教学内容要少而精。
- He's the stereotype of an army officer. 他属于把种老派的军官。
- A very strict content model can mean that your input files already follow a strict model, so you know what to expect, making it easy to process the contents. 非常严格的内容模型可能意味着输入文件也要遵循严格的模型,这样就可以知道在输入中有什么内容,从而很容易对它们进行处理。