- People were discontented with the steep rise in prices. 人们对物价飞涨不满。
- Statistics show a steep rise in unemployment. 统计资料显示失业(率)急速上升。
- There was a steep rise in prices. 价格暴涨。
- These have contributed toward a continuous rise in output. 这些推动了我们的产量持续上升。
- steep rise in output 产量的激增
- That been steep rises in London ,Frank , Porten ,Paris . 伦敦、法兰克福、巴黎的股市指数迅速上涨。
- The steep rise in prices is one manifestation of an economic crisis. 物价腾跃是经济危机的表现之一。
- It had also announced a steep rise in petrol and diesel taxes to replace other fees, such as some road tolls. 中国政府还曾宣布,将大幅提高汽油和柴油的消费税,来取代公路管理费等其它税费。
- The rise in output has been massive," state-owned Tobacco Board Chairman J Suresh Babu said. 产量增长十分庞大。”
- Much of the growth is driven by the steep rise in oil prices, but non-oil economies have also benefited from better rainfall over the past year. 这种增长在很大程度上是由油价暴涨推动的,但过去一年来较好的降雨量,也使非石油经济体获益。
- Of 143 veterinarians questioned by the RSPCA, 80 percent reported a steep rise in the number of cases of animal obesity they had seen. 接受防止虐待动物皇家学会访问的一百四十三位动物医师中,有八成回报他们看诊的动物肥胖案例数字急遽攀升。
- That scenario has been further exacerbated by the steep rise in polymer prices during 2004, which had a detrimental impact on profit margins for many in the industry. 2004年塑料价格陡升加速了这种趋势,塑料的价格对许多行业的利润率有很大伤害。
- Fraudulent claims are also contributing to a steep rise in car insurance costs, which are growing at their fastest rate for nearly a decade, said the AA. AA公司表示,欺诈性骗保案件数量也促成了汽车保费的陡涨。而且近十年来,骗保案件以最快的速度增长。
- Even if the rise in output comes about but in the “wrong” way, there could be problems, since water in some areas is growing scarce and increasing food output will make it scarcer. 即使产出增加了,然而方式不当,也会有问题,这是因为,某些地方的水资源日渐稀少,但粮食产出增加还会消耗水资源。
- Like most cumulative processes, the problem matured slowly, even after the steep rises in interest rates. 象大多数累积过程一样,问题是逐步形成的,甚至在利率直线上升之后也是如此。
- After an production accident of the steep rise in concentration of caustic soda inside electrolytic cell,acid cleaning process was used. Key determining factors to the acid cleaning quality were studied theoretically. 采用酸洗工艺处理一起电解槽碱浓度大幅度升高的生产事故,并对决定酸洗质量的关键因素作了探讨。
- Share values have levelled off after yesterday's steep rise. 股票价格经昨天急剧上扬後已趋平稳。
- The rise in prices was a signal for rebellion. 物价上涨引起了叛乱。
- The factory remained ahead in output. 该厂在产量上一直领先。
- Meanwhile, with the production material prices climbing steadily, and a steep rise in realty prices, the country is confronted with a rather arduous task in holding down inflation this year, he said. 与此同时,随着生产物资价格的不断攀升,以及房地产价格的大幅上涨,全国将面临一个相当严峻的考验控制通货膨胀,温家宝说。