- steel tubular pole 钢管杆
- The technology for construction of steel tubular pile caps is described in the. 文章主要介绍钢管桩桩帽的施工工艺。
- In this experiment, castor oil was pyrolyzed in a stainless steel tubular reactor packed with catalyst. 本实验以蓖麻油为原料,位其在一装有催化剂的不锈钢反应器中进行裂解。
- AIJ, Recommendations for Design and Construction of Concrete Filled Steel Tubular Structures [S ]. 张素梅.;钢管混凝土构件在轴心拉力作用下的性能[J]
- Foldable, with feet, made of EPC mild steel tubular pipe, mounted on steel loop feet, with canvas cloth, steel traverse bars for easy folding. 可折叠,EPC低碳钢管制品,环状钢架,外覆帆布,钢管可简单折叠。
- Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ).Recommendations for design and construction of concrete filled steel tubular structures [S]. 福建省工程建设地方标准.;钢管混凝土结构技术规程[S]
- Eccentrically loaded concrete filled steel tubular(CFST) laced columns were tested with slenderness ratio as main experimental parameter. 进行了钢管混凝土格构柱偏心受压试验,试验参数为长细比。
- The full-scale model tests of unstiffened steel tubular X-joint under axial force,bending and torsion conditions are presented in the paper. 介绍了双向贯通式节点在轴拉(压)、弯扭作用下的足尺节点试验研究。
- The concrete filled stell tubular (known as CFST) is a composite structural material formed by thin steel tubular filled with concrete. 钢管混凝土(CFST),是由混凝土填入薄壁圆形钢管内,形成的组合材料。
- Stage K2consists of KLEEMANN stainless steel tubular exhaust headers and downpipes that provide larger primary pipe diameters for each enginecylinder. K2的阶段构成的kleemann不锈钢排气管头文件和下降管提供较大的小学管径为每个发动机汽缸。
- The hi-pressure steel tubular product has to be satisfactory to relevant very stringent requirements for internal surface quality and I.D.tolerance. 高精度管材是一种内表面质量要求很高,内径尺寸允许偏差很小的管材。
- Static loading and repeated low cycle loading tests are carried on a new type of foot joint of concrete filled steel tubular. 对新型钢管混凝土柱脚节点进行了静力加载和低周反复加载试验研究。
- Nonlinear analysis concrete filled steel tubular arches' mechanical property was researched.The appropriate constitutive equation was selected. 摘要对一个模型拱进行了非线性分析,研究了钢管混凝土拱的力学性能。
- Steel tubular arched bridge is a new type of bridge with the characteristic of beautiful shape and reasonable stress. This paper analyses the rationality of the construction plan. 钢管拱桥是近年来使用的新桥型,具有造型美观受力合理的特点。对某黄河大桥造型拱的半拱吊装高空拼接施工方案的合理性进行了分析。
- Foldable, with feet, made of EPC mild steel tubular pipe, mounted on steel loop feet, with canvas cloth, steel traverse bars for easy folding. With 2 straps and buckles. 可折叠,EPC低碳钢管制品,安装于钢环支脚上,外覆帆布,钢管可简单折叠。配2个旅行袋和带扣。
- Determining and improving the bearing capacity of steel tubular piles for piled wharfs has long been an issue that the engineering field has endeavored to study and solve. 摘要确定和提高高桩码头钢管桩的承载力是工程界一直致力于研究的问题。
- Four concrete filled circular steel tubular specimens confined by CFRP circumferentially were experimentally investigated in this paper to study their torsion behavior. 摘要目的了解CFRP环向约束圆钢管混凝土的扭转性能,给出其抗扭极限承载力的表达式。
- This paper focused on the temperature distribution of concrete filled steel tubular arch section during its construction and its service phase under solar radiation. 本文着重探讨钢管混凝土拱肋在施工过程中和成桥后在日照作用下的截面温度场问题。
- Research is done on slow change of concrete-filled steel tubular constriction and prestress loss caused by concrete shrinkage.The parsing formula of the prestress loss is deduced. 摘要对钢管混凝土收缩徐变和预应力筋松弛引起的预应力损失进行了研究,推导出了该项预应力损失解析式。