- steel strip defect 带钢缺陷
- The collision of steel strip with flipper guide on finish rolling unit is the reason of scar defect. 分析认为钢板撞击精轧机组侧导板是产生结疤缺陷的原因,而冷轧板成串孔洞则是结疤缺陷的遗传产物。
- Guangzhou jinlai Cold Rolling Steel Strip Co.Ltd. 广州金莱冷轧带钢有限公司。
- Material: Galvanized steel strip and cotton thread. 材质:低碳镀锌钢带及棉线。
- Different types of feed net strip and steel strip. 各类型输送网带、钢带。
- Material:Galvanized steel strip and asbestos line. 材质:低碳镀锌钢带及石棉线。
- The adherence defect was introduced in this paper in the process of cold. rolling of low carbon steel strip, the reason and improving method were also analysied. 介绍了邦迪管用低碳冷轧钢带粘结缺陷产生的全过程,分析了粘结产生的原因、机理及解决办法。
- There is a worldwide overcapacity for wide steel strip. 目前是一个全球性过剩的广泛带钢。
- Aiming at the problems in pattern recognition of cold steel strip surface defect images, the methods of fuzzy pattern recognition and Back Propagation (BP) neural network recognition were introduced. 摘要针对冷轧带钢表面缺陷图像模式识别中出现的问题,引入模糊模式识别和反向传播神经网络识别方法。
- Aiming at the characteristic in feature extraction of cold steel strip surface defect images,a mixed feature extraction method of separable criterion based on class distance is proposed. 针对冷轧带钢表面缺陷图像特征提取的特点,提出了基于类距离可分离性判据的混合特征提取方法。
- Aluminium or steel strip arrives at the can manufacturing plant in large coils. 铝或钢板以大卷的形式运到制罐厂。
- Hardened or hardenable carbon steel strips. 分类标题:碳钢|弹簧钢带...
- By EPMA examination and analysis on three groups of SPCD hot rolled steel plate it is found that those strip defects are closely related to existence of quite a lot of the foreign inclusions. 采用电子探针对3个批号的SPCD钢热轧板条带状缺陷进行分析,发现这些缺陷都与大量的外来物有关。
- Spring steel strip for coupling and drive parts, watch springs, bainite-hardened parts. 接头及驱动器零件弹片钢带、手表弹片、贝氏体淬火零件钢带。
- Inclusions in the gray strip defects consist of MgO and trace melilite,which result from MgO-C refractory in slag line. 灰色条带状缺陷中外来物主要为氧化镁,并含少量黄长石,来源于渣线镁碳砖耐火材料;
- Imported high magneto-conductivity steel strip, fine effectiveness for both low and high frequency. 进口高导磁钢带,低、高频屏效果均优。
- Imported high-magnetconductivity steel strip, fine effectiveness for both low and high frequency. 进口高导磁率钢带;低高频屏效果均优.
- The foreign inclusions in the black strip defects mainly consist of melilite,MgAl2O4 spinel and trace of the perovskite resulting from ladle slag. 黑色条带状缺陷中外来物主要为镁铝尖晶石和黄长石,并有少量钙钛矿,来源于钢包渣;
- Through degrease disposing, 98% of greasy impurity and 95% of iron impurity attached on the surface of steel strip can be removed. 带钢经脱脂处理其表面油杂质去除率达98%25、铁杂质去除率达95%25。
- Analysis on strip defect on the surface of SPCD hot rolled steel plate SPCD钢热轧板板面条带状缺陷分析