- high-performance steel slag concrete 高性能钢渣混凝土
- Research on Steel Slag Concrete Small-Sized Hollow Block 钢渣混凝土小型空心砌块研究
- Contrast Study on the Strength of Common Concrete and Steel Slag Concrete 钢渣混凝土与普通混凝土的强度对比研究
- steel slag concrete 钢渣混凝土
- steel slag concrete (SSC) 钢渣混凝土(SSC)
- steel slag concrete(SSC) 钢渣混凝土
- All applications which pass Steel tail slag carry out steel slag reso... 通过钢尾渣的全部应用实现钢渣资源循环利用。
- The autoclaved products made of steel slag mixed with pyrite tailing, pyrite tailing and lime or gypsum respectively were studied. 摘要用硫铁尾矿、硫铁尾矿和石灰、硫铁尾矿和石膏分别与低碱度钢渣复掺配制蒸压制品。
- Research and Implementation of Cleaner Production Process of Steel Slag Disposal. 钢渣处置工艺的清洁生产研究与实施。
- Manufacturing high volume fly-ash slag concrete on the basis of C30 ready-mixed concrete incorporated with a non-alkali mineral activator is studied. 本文在制备C30商品混凝土中加入无碱矿物激发剂并研究其对混凝土性能的影响,在此基础上开发研制高掺量粉煤灰矿渣混凝土。
- The influence of mechanicochemical effect on characteristics of steel slag was investigated by cementitiousness test. 通过胶凝性能实验,探讨了钢渣粉磨的机械力化学效应对钢渣性能的影响。
- However,the content of f-CaO in steel slag increases with increase of its basicity resulting in poor volume stability. 必须对钢渣进行适当的处理,解决其安定性问题,并通过机械或化学的方法激发其活性。
- Bakharev, T., Sanjayan J. G. and Cheng, Y. B., “Effect of Admixtures on Properties of Alkali-Activated Slag Concrete”, Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 30, pp.1367-1374, 2000. 中国土木水利工程学会混凝土编辑委员会,混凝土工程施工须知,中国土木水利工程学会,台北,1991。
- Diopside-based glass ceramic was made with steel slag and fly ash by sintering process. 以钢渣和粉煤灰为主要原料,采用烧结工艺,制得以透辉石为主晶相的微晶玻璃;
- The compressive strength of lower alkalinity steel slag autoclaved product decreases when mixed with pyrite tailing alone. 单独掺入硫铁尾矿,低碱度钢渣蒸压制品的抗压强度下降。
- The strength of the steel slag cement is influenced by steel slag,slag,bl ending volume of stimulator and modulus of sodium silic ate ,etc. 钢渣、矿渣、激发剂掺量及水玻璃的模数等都对钢渣水泥强度有影响。
- It is usually happened that the molden steel slag splashes and then sticks on the surface of the oxygen lance, especially during the semisteel making. 喷溅和粘枪是炼钢过程中的常见现象,在攀钢炼钢厂的半钢冶炼过程中表现尤为突出。
- The autoclaved products made of steel slag mixed with pyrite tailing,pyrite tailing and lime or gypsum respectively were studied. 用硫铁尾矿、硫铁尾矿和石灰、硫铁尾矿和石膏分别与低碱度钢渣复掺配制蒸压制品。
- The method of manufacturing glass-ceramics with steel slag is a new and effective way for comprehensive utilization of steel sl... 以钢渣为主要原料生产微晶玻璃是钢渣开发利用的有效的新途径。
- The effect of converter steel slag powder(CSSP),on the shrinkage characteristic of hardened GGBFS-PC mixed mortar is studied. 转炉钢渣中的磷是影响钢渣在钢铁企业内部循环的主要因素之一。