- All applications which pass Steel tail slag carry out steel slag reso... 通过钢尾渣的全部应用实现钢渣资源循环利用。
- The autoclaved products made of steel slag mixed with pyrite tailing, pyrite tailing and lime or gypsum respectively were studied. 摘要用硫铁尾矿、硫铁尾矿和石灰、硫铁尾矿和石膏分别与低碱度钢渣复掺配制蒸压制品。
- Research and Implementation of Cleaner Production Process of Steel Slag Disposal. 钢渣处置工艺的清洁生产研究与实施。
- The influence of mechanicochemical effect on characteristics of steel slag was investigated by cementitiousness test. 通过胶凝性能实验,探讨了钢渣粉磨的机械力化学效应对钢渣性能的影响。
- However,the content of f-CaO in steel slag increases with increase of its basicity resulting in poor volume stability. 必须对钢渣进行适当的处理,解决其安定性问题,并通过机械或化学的方法激发其活性。
- Diopside-based glass ceramic was made with steel slag and fly ash by sintering process. 以钢渣和粉煤灰为主要原料,采用烧结工艺,制得以透辉石为主晶相的微晶玻璃;
- The compressive strength of lower alkalinity steel slag autoclaved product decreases when mixed with pyrite tailing alone. 单独掺入硫铁尾矿,低碱度钢渣蒸压制品的抗压强度下降。
- The strength of the steel slag cement is influenced by steel slag,slag,bl ending volume of stimulator and modulus of sodium silic ate ,etc. 钢渣、矿渣、激发剂掺量及水玻璃的模数等都对钢渣水泥强度有影响。
- It is usually happened that the molden steel slag splashes and then sticks on the surface of the oxygen lance, especially during the semisteel making. 喷溅和粘枪是炼钢过程中的常见现象,在攀钢炼钢厂的半钢冶炼过程中表现尤为突出。
- The autoclaved products made of steel slag mixed with pyrite tailing,pyrite tailing and lime or gypsum respectively were studied. 用硫铁尾矿、硫铁尾矿和石灰、硫铁尾矿和石膏分别与低碱度钢渣复掺配制蒸压制品。
- The method of manufacturing glass-ceramics with steel slag is a new and effective way for comprehensive utilization of steel sl... 以钢渣为主要原料生产微晶玻璃是钢渣开发利用的有效的新途径。
- The effect of converter steel slag powder(CSSP),on the shrinkage characteristic of hardened GGBFS-PC mixed mortar is studied. 转炉钢渣中的磷是影响钢渣在钢铁企业内部循环的主要因素之一。
- The article indicates that the reformed steel slag hammer blower can ensure the raising,tumbling,thumping to make the slag ladle empty again in time. 文章简述了通过对翻罐打锤机的改造,实现了渣罐的提升、翻罐和打锤的作业等,以保证钢渣罐的及时返空。
- Automatic tablet press is used to prepare steel slag samples for X-ray spectrofluorimetry at Masteel's No.4 Steel group. 采用自动压片机压制马钢四钢轧总厂的钢渣样,样片用于X荧光光谱仪分析。
- Based on research of LF hot steel slag system and sulfur content,some measures are adopted in Tang Steel to realize the recovery and reuse of the slag,some good result got. 通过对LF热态钢渣渣系和硫容量的研究,唐钢一钢轧厂采取相应措施实现了LF热态钢渣的循环再利用,取得了较好效果。
- As a by-product for steelmaking,not only environmental pollution can be removed,but huge economical benefits can be created if steel slag can be developed deeply and utilized. 钢渣作为炼钢生产的副产品,如能够得到深层次的开发和利用,不但可以消除环境污染,而且还能够创造巨大的经济效益。
- Steel slag is porous and has high adsorption ability,which will be designed as fill material to steel slag filtering reactors after biochemical treatment. 钢渣具有多孔、吸附能力强的特点,可以将其作为填料设计成钢渣过滤反应器放到生化处理之后。
- Suitable Compound ratio of making Shrinkage compensating complex portland cement for road by using ordinary portland cement clinder,steel slag, cinder,addition and gypsum. 本文研究了利用普通硅酸盐水泥熟料、钢渣、炉渣、适量添加剂和石膏生产微收缩高耐磨道路水泥的适宜配方。
- The strength synergistic effect of each component on composite Portland cement with fly ash, slag,steel slag and a certain amount of clinker and its influence factors are studied. 研究了由粉煤灰、矿渣、钢渣与一定量熟料组成的粉煤灰矿渣复合水泥中各组分对水泥的强度协同效应以及影响协同效应的主要因素。
- This paper introduces the technology of steel slag treatment with focus on problems of homogeneous invariability and safe application for modified slag. 介绍了转炉钢渣的处理技术,着重讨论如何解决渣的均匀稳定、安全使用问题。