- steatosis hepatoeyte 脂肪变性肝细胞
- Animals deeloped 30 to 60% steatosis. 30%25到60%25的动物肝脂肪变性。
- However, US can accurately estimate the severity of the steatosis. 但是US可以精确地测量出脂肪变性的严重程度。
- The hepatic steatosis degree were lighten obviously (P<0.01). 肝脏脂变程度显著减轻(P<0.;01)。
- RSID was correlated with total steatosis (r = 0.850). RSID与总脂肪变性有一定的关联(r=0.;850)。
- USG and CT had limitations in detecting significant steatosis in liver donors. 彩超和CT在检测肝脏脂肪变性方面有局限性。
- Hepatectomy in donors with mild steatosis can be performed with low morbidity. 有轻度脂肪肝的患者能够进行肝切除术,且发病率很低。
- Fibrosis and steatosis are two common histological changes of the liver. 摘要:纤维化与脂肪变性是肝脏常见的两种组织学变化。
- In addition, detection of fat is optimal only with steatosis of more than 15%. 此外,只有脂肪变性超过15%25时,检测的结果才是最佳的。
- Fatty infiltration/steatosis and focal sparing/non steatosis causing segmental hypoechoic areas. The CT scan is normal. 肝脂肪浸润/变性和局灶性肝残留征/无脂肪变性引起节段性低回声区。CT扫描是正常的。
- In this case, necrosis and inflammation are prominent, and there is some steatosis as well. 该患者的坏死和炎症显著,伴一定程度的脂肪变性。
- The authors note that NAFLD was the most common cause (81.5%) of hepatic steatosis on ultrasound. 作者认为NAFLD是超声扫描下肝脏脂肪变性最常见的致病因素(81.;5%25)。
- Oerall, 2421 of the 2839 subjects had hepatic steatosis on ultrasound and the unadjusted prealence of NAFLD was 69.5%. 2839名受试者中共有2421名在超声扫描下发现有肝脏脂肪变性,而且无校正NAFLD发病率为69.;5%25。
- Moreover, it has been shown to induce steatosis, modulate apoptosis, and increase cellular oncogenic potential. 更且,它会引起脂肪变性,调节细胞凋亡,增加细胞的致癌性。
- However, steatosis was not related to duration of HIV, ARV exposure, or HCV coinfection. 但是,脂肪变性与HIV持续时间、ARV暴露或HCV合并感染无关。
- Therefore, the differentiation between steatosis and NASH often requires a liver biopsy. 因此要区分脂肪性肝病和非酒精性脂肪性肝炎最终只有通过肝脏生检。
- Lier steatosis was induced in male Wistar rats by a choline-methionine-deficient diet. 用胆素-甲硫氨酸缺乏饮食诱导雄性Wistar鼠肝脏脂肪变性。
- A subsequent histological examination of each liver sample grades the steatosis from 0 to 3. 每件肝脏检体都接受病理检验并依其脂肪变性程度分成0到3级。
- The independent risk factors for significant steatosis were older age, obesity and hypertriglyceridemia. 严重脂肪变性的独立危险因素包括高龄、肥胖和高甘油三脂血症。