- Book online the cheapest hotels in Lauro - low prices and high discounts. 网上预定在 Lauro 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。
- Abbas, who was captured in Baghdad last year, was the mastermind of the Achille Lauro hijacking. 阿巴斯去年在巴格达被抓,他是劫持“阿奇里·劳罗”号大型游艇事件的策划者。
- A long time ago I did a record of Lauro's music, and I just really enjoyed spending a lot of time with one composer. 很久以前我曾经录制过劳罗的作品,而且我的确是喜欢在一位演奏家身上花大量时间来进行研究。
- But defense attorney John Lauro told a federal judge Wednesday that his client never rigged any games, so he earned the money honestly. 但是辩护律师约翰。劳罗周三告诉联邦法官说他的客户从未退出任何比赛,所以他诚实地赚得了那些工资。
- Donaghy," Lauro wrote. 劳罗写道。
- During remarks in Derry, N.H., Bush said the terrorist Abu Nidal killed Leon Klinghoffer, a 69-year-old Jewish American who died after being tossed - along with his wheelchair - off a hijacked cruise liner named Achille Lauro in 1985. 在新罕布什尔州德里的演讲中,布什说1985年恐怖分子阿布·尼达尔杀害了69岁的美籍犹太人利昂·克林霍弗。(恐怖分子)把他绑在轮椅上,并把他从劫持的"阿奇里·劳罗"号大型游艇上扔入大海。
- I would be looking to promote from within for the number two slot, and as a reward for unswerving loyalty offer Cudicini a job alongside Silvinho Lauro coaching the keepers and the youngsters. 我将会期待从球队里面提拔另一个二号门将,而作为他的坚定不移的忠心的回报,向库迪奇尼提供一份工作让他在希尔维诺.路洛旁边指导一众守门员和年轻球员吧。
- stearo myristin 硬脂酸肉豆蔻酸甘油酯
- “With a bit of luck, you can make $350 on a day like this,” Lauro Souza Almeida, a leader of the local fishermen's cooperative, exulted as he moved into position. “要是运气不错,赶上今天这种情况,就能挣 350 美元,”劳鲁 ? 苏扎 ?阿尔梅达说道。他是当地渔民合作社的一位负责人。他一边兴高采烈地说着,一边摆好了架式准备干活。
- myristin, trimyristin 豆蔻酸甘油酯
- stearo nitrile 硬脂腈
- stearo dipalmitin 二棕榈酸硬脂酸甘油酯
- myristin 肉豆蔻脂,三肉豆蔻酸甘油酯
- stearo lauro-myristin 硬脂酸月桂酸肉豆蔻酸甘油酯
- stearo myristo-laurin 硬脂酸肉豆蔻酸月桂酸甘油酯
- stearo palmito-olein 硬脂酸棕榈酸油酸甘油酯
- a cura di Lauro Rossi. 作者声明: Napoleone Bonaparte ;
- Lauron. 劳罗
- De Lauro 德劳罗
- 7.I would be looking to promote from within for the number two slot, and as a reward for unswerving loyalty offer Cudicini a job alongside Silvinho Lauro coaching the keepers and the youngsters. 我将会期待从球队里面提拔另一个二号门将,而作为他的坚定不移的忠心的回报,向库迪奇尼提供一份工作让他在希尔维诺.路洛旁边指导一众守门员和年轻球员吧。