- The stone rolled down the hill by gravity. 石头在重力作用下向山下滚去。
- A steam radiator is a good example of heating by convection. 蒸汽暧气片是一个对流加热房屋的好例子。
- The housing estate uses steam heating. 这个小区的供暖采用的是汽暖方式。
- The stone rolled down the mountain by gravity. 这块石头由于重力作用而滚下山。
- The house is shaded from the midday heat by those tall trees. 高高的树木使这所房子避开了正午的炎热。
- Contents pass by gravity into a receptacle below. 物体通过重力进入容器的底部。
- Practice Replacing Steam Heating by Heat Conducting Oil Heating in Fine Benzene Production 精苯生产蒸汽加热改导热油加热实践
- Why don't you turn down your heating by one degree? 你为什么不把暖气调低一度呢?
- The heat by now had banked itself in the tent. 帐蓬里的热气愈积愈厚。
- Economic Comparison Between Steam Heat Tracing and Electric. 厂蒸汽伴热与电伴热方案的技术经济比较。
- Strong winds driven by gravity blow from the pole to the coastline. 受地球重力作用的大风从极点吹到海岸线。
- It is provided doublelayer case and is heated by steam. 烘干机有双层外壳,采用蒸汽加热。
- Man can make heat by burning wood,coal and gas. 人可以用燃烧柴,煤,煤气的办法产生热量。
- Man can make heat by burning wood , coal and gas. 人可以用燃烧柴,煤,煤气的办法产生热量。
- There is a steam heating system (air conditioning system ) in the work-shop. 这车间里装有一个蒸汽加热系统(空气调节系统)。
- Man can make heat by burning wood, coal and gas. 人可以用燃烧柴,煤,煤气的办法产生热量。
- This water was distributed to and over the fields primarily by gravity flow. 这些水主要靠自流灌溉到田里。
- Its heating mixing has self-friction, electric heating and steam heating modes. 热混具有自摩擦和电加热及蒸汽加热功能。
- A fixed star can emit light and heat by itself. 恒星本身发光发热。
- There is a steam heating system(air conditioning system) in the kork-shop. 这个车间装有一个蒸气加热系统(空气调节系统)。