- status of balance of payment 国际收支状况
- The meaning of balance of payment: it is a concept of flow quantity, it reflects economic transactions, the transactions must be occured between resident and nonresident. 国际收支的含义:是一个流量概念,反映的内容是经济交易,必须是该国居民与非居民之间发生的。
- The BIS extends short-term credits to central banks of some countries, helping these countries to solve the disequilibrium of balance of payment. 国际清算银行曾多次向一些国家的中央银行提供短期贷款,帮助后者解决国际收支失衡。
- As far as our country is concerned, with the rapid growth of socialist market economy, the strengthening of domestic economy is directly reflected in the changes of balance of payment (BOP). 就我国而言,随着社会主义市场经济的发展,国内经济实力的增长直接反映在国际收支状况的扭转上。
- And a solution to our balance of payment problem. 解决收支平衡问题。
- China's balance of payment was in good position. 国际收支状况良好。
- disequilibrium of balance of payment 国际收支不平衡
- Rule of Balance of Payment Exceptions 国际收支平衡例外原则
- The Theory of Balance of Payment 国际收支理论
- The SAFE may adjust the criteria for prescribing the regional grand quota in accordance with the development of balance of payments of China. 国家外汇管理局可以根据国家国际收支状况,对各地区经常项目外汇账户总限额的核定标准进行调整。
- The reduce of export growth will smaller the unfavorable balance of trade of China which results in a bad condition of balance of payments. 出口增长的减少将使中国贸易顺差缩小,其结果是中国的国际收支状况将肯定变坏。
- Meanwhile, in the aspect of balance of payments, China has also embarking on transforming its double-surplus for the moment in current and capital accounts. 此外,在国际收支平衡方面,中国也已经在着手改变目前经常项目和资本项目的"双顺差"问题。
- The net errors and omissions item reflects not only the quality of balance of payments of one country, but also the amount of capital flow unrecorded officially to a certain degree. 净误差与遗漏项目能够在一定程度上反映一国国际收支统计质量的高低,还能在一定程度上反映未被官方记录的资本流动规模。
- How do we compile a balance of payments statements? 我们如何编制收支平衡表?
- We must keep a balance of payments. 我们必须保持收支平衡。
- Effect of Balance of Payment on the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy in China 我国国际收支对货币政策有效性的影响
- From the Perspective of Balance of Payment: FDI Strategy Adjustment in China 从国际收支结构审视我国引资战略的调整
- It is said to have a deficit on its balance of payments. 在该国的国际收支表上会出现一项逆差。
- Health is a dynamic process in which body continuously adjust and maintain the status of balance in the body. 健康是动态过程,也是机体不断调节和维持的平衡状态。
- equilibrium of balance of payments [经] 国际收支平衡