- status influencing factors 影响因素
- Objective: To analyze the status of male involvement and its influencing factors. 摘要目的:分析男性参与计划生育状况及其影响因素。
- Methods The influencing factors of relative mental health status were selected by stepwise regression analysis. 方法采用逐步回归分析对有关心理健康状况影响因素进行筛选。
- Objective: To compare the status of internet use and Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD) in adolescent students, and analyze the influencing factors for their IAD. 摘要目的:比较中学生与大学生电脑网络使用及网络成瘾现状,分析其网络成瘾的影响因素。
- It is good to analyze influencing factors of ARI by GEE1. 用GEE1可以很好地对家庭呼吸道疾病的影响因素进行分析。
- Objective To know about the status of HIV/AIDS discrimination and its influencing factors among staffs in an enterprise in Taiyuan. 目的了解太原市某企业职工艾滋病歧视现状及探索引起歧视的可能因素。
- Objective To survey the caries filling treatment status and the influencing factors among school-aged(children) in Xiamen. 目的了解厦门市学龄儿童龋病充填情况及其影响因素。
- Objective To study dieting status and the influencing factors among female undergraduates, and to provide basis for school-based health education. 目的了解女大学生节食状况及其影响因素,为学校制定健康教育策略提供理论依据。
- Temperature is an important influencing factor of the OCS. 温度是影响接触网运行状态的一个重要因素。
- Conclusion: Emotional status influence soci al support in COPD. 结论:COPD患者心理情绪影响社会支持水平。
- Influence Factors of Exchange Rate? 影响汇率变动的因素?
- Thus, the influence factors of shale on C/O... 经校正后的碳氧比值可以准确地求取储层的含油饱和度。
- Analysis on Social Influence Factors of C.T. 民族地区
- Objective: To investigate psychological status of the patients with Myasthenia Gravis and analyze the influencing factors in order to improve psychological care. 目的:调查重症肌无力患者术前的心理状态及其影响因素,探讨心理护理方法。
- A Study on the Influence Factors of the Health Status Satisfaction in the Aged. 老年人健康满意度的影响因素研究。
- Transpiration of Tea Plants on Red Soil Slopes and Its Influencing Factors. 红壤坡地茶园蒸腾及其影响因子研究。
- Results Most of the paterfamilias' knowledge about nutrition were inadequate, and major influencing factors were their education level and economic status. 结果学生家长营养知识水平普遍偏低,影响营养知识知晓的因素主要有家长的文化程度和家庭经济状况。
- Influencing factors on contract ratio of emulsion paints are discussed. 讨论了影响乳胶漆对比率的各种因素。
- Operating characteristic, influencing factors and evolutive foreground o... 讨论了电化学制备方法的特点、影响因素和发展前景。
- The influencing factors or the mechanism and radiolysis products are reviewed. 并就辐照降解技术的影响因素、机制和辐解产物的分析方法等内容加以综述。