- controlled statistical arbitration 可控统计判优
- Most of the contract have arbitration clause. 大多数的合同都有仲裁条款。
- Have you stud the arbitration award? 您研究过仲裁裁决了吗?
- Let's not submit our disputes for arbitration. 我们还是别把争执提交仲裁。
- Statistical techniques are regularly employed. 统计方法得到经常的运用。
- Binding arbitration; a binding agreement. 具有约束力的仲裁; 需要遵守的合约
- statistical arbitration [计] 统计判优化, 统计仲裁法
- They showed some statistical evidence to support their argument. 他们出示了一些统计数字来支持他们的论点。
- The men agreed to go to arbitration to settle their pay claim. 这些人同意把他们的工资要求交付仲裁。
- The arbitration award shall be final and binding on both parties. 仲裁裁决应是终局裁决,对双方均有约束力。
- Please explain the arbitration clause in detail, will you? 请您把仲裁条款详细地解释一下好吗?
- His political thinking is statist, too. 他的政治思想也是中央集权性质的。
- This is not a treatise on statistical theory. 这不是一篇有关统计理论的论文。
- The most frequent value in the statistical sense. 在统计意义上最常出现的值。
- The parties shall implement the arbitration award. 对于仲裁裁决,当事人应当履行。
- Your statistical results are off. 你的统计数据不精确
- We use arbitration to solve the dispute. 我们使用仲裁来解决这一纠纷。
- The treatment is based on statistical theory. 这种处理的根据是统计学理论。
- Where do you wish to have the arbitration held ? 您希望在什么地方仲裁?
- They provided some useful statistical information. 他们提供了一些有用的统计信息。