- Statical equilibrium means that both forces and moments are in balance. 静态平衡意味着力和力矩都处于平衡。
- Below the water table at static equilibrium, hydrostatic pressure potential increases with increasing depth. 在水面以下,当静态平衡时,静水压力随深度而增加。
- It is assumed in quasi-static simulation that the object is always in static equilibrium while deforming. 准静态模拟假设物体在形变过程中总处于静态平衡;
- The dynamic relaxation method enables to search the static equilibrium state by simple iterations. 动态松弛法可以从任意的初始状态开始,通过简单迭代而使系统达到静平衡状态。
- The assumption is made that the changes in aerodynamic loading take place so slowly that the structure is at all times in static equilibrium. 假定气动载荷的变化相当慢以致于在所有时刻结构都处于静平衡状态。
- On the basis of the static equilibrium principle and the bendingtheory of beam, the theoretical model of ice breakup on shallow beachdue to tidal fluctuation is set up. 依据静力平衡原理及梁的弯曲理论建立了近岸浅滩海冰在潮汐作用下的断裂模式,分析了海冰的厚度、长度、极限弯曲强度以及岸坡角与海冰断裂长度的关系。
- Unable to calculate static equilibrium position. Iterations did not converge. An initial position closer to the actual static equilibrium position may improve the situation. 我自己认为是建立的有限元模型质量分布不合理,可是反复修改后,还是一直报错。请各位前辈指教一下,感激万分!
- The entire detached breakwater system should then be re-designed with a widened gap between units combined with bayed beach in static equilibrium and nourishment. 再于堤后配合养滩创造岬湾,新岬湾的下游控制点宜设在经适当规划的缓冲带新滩线上。
- The results have shown that its rigidity is not only related to pressure and volume at the static equilibrium position, but also to the changing rates of area and volume. 计算表明空气弹簧的刚度不仅与其静平衡位置时的压力和容积有关,还与其有效面积变化率和体积变化率有关。
- The book remains at rest or, in physical terminology, in static equilibrium not because there are no forces acting on it but because the forces which do act on it annul one another. 此书处于静止,或者用物理术语来讲处于静力平衡,并不是因为没有力作用在它上面,而是因为作用其上的力彼此互相抵消。
- A comparison study is made between Amberlite XAD-4 and the new type adsorption resins NK and new H on the static adsorption behaviors,including the static equilibrium adsorption isotherms and the adsorption thermodynamic properties. 对比 Amberlite XAD-4与两种新型吸附树脂 NK和新 H对对甲苯胺的静态吸附行为 ;根据吸附等温线研究并讨论吸附热力学性质 .
- A comparison study of the adsorption behaviors of chlorophenols on the hypercrosslinked adsorption resin with that on Amberlite XAD-4 and ZH-01 was made including the static equilibrium adsorption,the adsorption thermodynamics properties and so on. 通过静态吸附研究,比较了Am berlite XAD-4和ZH-01吸附树脂对水溶液中2-氯苯酚、2,4-二氯苯酚、2,4,6-三氯苯酚的吸附热力学特性。
- A comparison the adsorption properties of the hypercrosslinked polymeric resins NJ-8, AM-1 and Amberlite XAD-4 toward p-nitroacetophenone was made, including the static equilibrium adsorption isotherms and the adsorption thermodynamic properties. 比较两种超高交联聚苯乙烯吸附树脂NJ-8、AM-1与Amberlite XAD-4 (以下简称XAD-4)对对硝基苯乙酮的静态吸附行为,根据吸附等温线研究了吸附热力学性质。
- The performances of adsorption of NJ-8, AM-1, Amberlite XAD-4, JX-101 resins for adsorbing to p-nitrobenzoin acid and p-nitroacetophenone were studied. The results of static equilibrium adsorption showed AM-1 and NJ-8 have higher adsorption capacities. 研究NJ-8、AM-1、Amberlite XAD-4、JX-101 4种吸附树脂对对硝基苯乙酮和对硝基NJ-8和AM-1两种吸附树脂对硝基化合物的吸附效果较好。
- The behavior of static adsorption of AM-1,NDA-88,NDA-99,NDA-150 resins for adsorbing p-nitrophenol were studied. The results of static equilibrium adsorption showed NDA-88,NDA-99 and NDA-150 have higher adsorption capacities. 研究了对硝基酚在四种吸附树脂(AM-1、NDA-88、NDA-99、NDA-150)上的静态吸附行为,结果表明,NDA-88、NDA-99、NDA-150三种吸附树脂对对硝基酚的吸附效果比较好。
- The tensile load of preloaded bolt, often a fraction of external load, could be determined according to the static equilibrium and deflection coordination between the bolt and the clamped parts. 摘要预紧螺栓所受拉力可根据力平衡和螺栓与被联接零件间的变形协调条件确定,其大小变化量为外加载荷变化量的几分之一。
- principle of statical equilibrium 静力平衡原理
- This pair of scales is not in equilibrium. 这个天平不平衡。
- I do not get any static on my set. 我的电视机没有静电干扰。
- The Independence of Static Equilibrium Equations 静力平衡方程的独立性