- static picture character 静态字符图象
- In Compatibility Mode, the chart is pasted as a static picture. 在兼容模式下,图表将粘贴为静态图片。
- JPEG is the international standard of the static picture data compression. 摘要JPEG是静止图像数据压缩的国际标准。
- The balance sheet provides a static picture of the financial position at a point in time. 资产负债表反映出某一时间的财务状况。
- Copy a project view as a static picture in another Microsoft Office application. 将项目视图复制为其他Microsoft Office应用程序中的静态图片。
- This station picture character incurs legal protection average, like want to use please with us unbleached linen, thanks! 本站图片文字均受法律保护,如欲使用请与我们连络,谢谢!
- One can only display complex information in the mind. Like seeing, movement or flow or alteration of view is more important than the static picture, no matter how lovely. 我们只能在大脑中展现复杂的信息。如同我们所见的,视图的变化要比静态图更加重要,无论那些静态图有多么美丽。
- If,for example,you want to put a Web front end on an application,UML software lets you generate class diagrams from the code to get a static picture of how all the objects are related to one another. 比如,若想把Web网的前端放到应用程序上,UML软件让你从程序代码生成种类图表,以获得所有对象相互之间是如何关联的静态图。
- If, for example, you want to put a Web front end on an application, UML software lets you generate class diagrams from the code to get a static picture of how all the objects are related to one another. 比如,若想把Web网的前端放到应用程序上,UML软件让你从程序代码生成种类图表,以获得所有对象相互之间是如何关联的静态图。
- Crop circles are static pictures of key codes and fire letters emanating through photonic sources. 麦田怪圈是透过光子源而散发的钥匙编码(即关键编码)和火焰字母。
- zero suppression picture character 消零图像字符
- From the original film is often a lot of static pictures of the crime scene, along with the investigation deepens. confusion and chaos will follow. 影片往往从最初犯罪现场的一幅幅静态画面开始,伴随着调查层层深入,困惑和混乱也随之而来。
- picture character precedence chart 图形字符优化图
- static picture transmission device 静态图像传输设备
- Software Description: About Butterfly World, Short animated video clips of butterflies float around the screen while static pictures of butterflies appear in different places all over the screen. 蝴蝶的活生生的录象片段环绕屏幕漂流而蝴蝶的静态的画在不同的地方到处出现屏幕。
- The smallest recognised unit in the Symbian OS text model. Not always visible as text on the screen. For instance, includes page and line breaks, paragraph delimiters and picture characters. 在Symbian操作系统文本模式中可以识别的最小单元。不一定指那些在屏幕上可见的文本,还包括如换页换行符、段分隔符和图形字符等等。
- I do not get any static on my set. 我的电视机没有静电干扰。
- The picture on the wall is crooked. 挂在墙壁上的画是歪的。
- I wouldn't sell that picture for all the world. 我无论如何也不卖那幅画。
- She laid the picture face downward on the table. 她把那幅画正面朝下放在桌上。