- I do not get any static on my set. 我的电视机没有静电干扰。
- Will this paint give a gloss or a matt finish? 这种颜料有无光泽?
- static matte 静止蒙罩法(摄影), 电子遮挡插入法(在图象的某些区域插入另外的画面)
- There was too much static to hear their message clearly. 静电干扰太大,听不清他们的电讯。
- Even with static population, consumption rose steeply. 即便人口保持稳定,消费亦大幅增加。
- House prices, which have been static for several months, are now rising again. 房价稳定了几个月,现在又上涨了。
- Matt collapsed into giggles and hung up the phone. 马特突然格格笑起来,然后挂断了电话。
- As a matte of fact, they are worse . 事实上,他们更糟。
- Matt (Matte): The appearance of dull, lusterless. 无光(哑色):暗淡而无光彩的外观.
- What's the matte with you, Mary? Are you ill? 玛丽,你怎么了?你病了吗?
- There are two ways to refer to a static variable. 有两个办法可引用一个static变量。
- Matt doesn't like Rebecca to do music business. 麦特不喜欢丽贝卡从事音乐事业。
- It is the opposite of static, laze, and passivity. 自我表达和静止、散漫、被动是恰恰相反的。
- Result: skin stay clear and matte all day long. 皮肤得到适度的保湿,并保持清爽,控油一整天。
- This, ifthe newsbe true, is a very serious matte r. 这消息如果属实,问题就严重了。
- I must consult my principal on this matte. 这件事我必须与委托人商量一下。
- Matt: Hey hey, carnival, here I come! 马特:嘿嘿,嘉年华,我来啦!
- Weathering of rock is essentially a static process. 岩石的风化作用基本上是一种静力作用。
- Matt: Yeah!!! Baby, Whinny the Pooh I got you! 马特:耶!!!宝贝,维尼来喽!
- Synthesis section design was relatively static. 合成部分设计却没有多少变动。