- static gel buildup 静止胶凝推算法
- Preventing or inhibiting the buildup of static electricity. 抗静电的防止或抑制静电产生的
- I do not get any static on my set. 我的电视机没有静电干扰。
- static gel strength 静胶凝强度
- A military buildup; a buildup of tension during the strike. 军备增加; (进攻)罢工期间的紧张感增强
- There was too much static to hear their message clearly. 静电干扰太大,听不清他们的电讯。
- Even with static population, consumption rose steeply. 即便人口保持稳定,消费亦大幅增加。
- The buildup could lead to costly dental repairs. 这样做会导致你花很花钱去补牙。
- Measures intended to decelerate the arms buildup. 意为减慢武器装备更新速度的方法
- House prices, which have been static for several months, are now rising again. 房价稳定了几个月,现在又上涨了。
- The Soviet military buildup must not be ignored. 苏联军备的加强不容忽视。
- The crude oil is chromatographed over silica gel. 粗制油状物用硅胶进行色谱分离。
- Must be some kind of methane buildup. 应该是沼气集聚起来了.
- Ingredient: Verbena and Aloevera Gel etc. 主要成份:马鞭草、芦荟胶、金缕梅、透明质酸。
- There are two ways to refer to a static variable. 有两个办法可引用一个static变量。
- They spent a lot of money on her buildup. 他们在她的造势活动上花了一大堆钱。
- Prevents buildup of tank bottom sludge . 防止油箱底部沉积油泥。
- It is the opposite of static, laze, and passivity. 自我表达和静止、散漫、被动是恰恰相反的。
- His hair was slicked back/down with gel. 他的头发用了发胶,朝后/朝下梳得平平整整的。
- Buildup the ruins and encourage the downtrodden. 加强你的力量,重建这些废墟,鼓励受践踏者。