- The display image of an area on a document. 在文卷上,某区的显示图象。
- static display image 静态显示图像
- The process of repeatedly producing a display image on a display surface so that the image remains visible. 为使图象保持可见,在显示面上反复产生该幅显示图象的过程或方法。
- Configuring multiple levels of static display versus dynamic display. 配置多级静态显示与动态显示。
- Renders a list of items as either a static display or an interactive list. 以静态显示或交互式列表形式呈现项列表。
- Static display means that part or all of the menu structure is always visible. 静态显示意味着部分或全部菜单结构始终可见。
- List Renders a list of items as either a static display or an interactive list. 提供以静态显示或交互式列表的形式呈现项列表的控件功能。
- In computer graphics, to suppress the display of all or part of a display image. 在计算机图形技术中,抑止全部或部分显示图象的显示。
- On a graphics VDU, to turn a display image about some axis. 在图形显示器(VDU)上,围绕某轴转动显示图形。
- In computer graphics, to enlarge or reduce all or part of a display image by multiplying their coordinate by constant values. 在计算机图形学中,以常数值乘以图象的坐标来放大或缩小全部或部分显示图象。
- You can configure the control for dynamic or static display and bind it to a site map XML file. 可以配置该控件以进行动态或静态显示,并可将其绑定到站点地图XML文件。
- To increase the level of brightness of all or part of a display image. 增强部分或全部显示图象的亮度等级。
- Also on static display at Goodwood will be the first-ever Audi competition car, the Audi Type C Alpine Cup winner dating from 1919. 又静展出德伍德将是有史以来第一次竞争,奥迪汽车,奥迪C型高寒世界杯冠军的历史可以追溯到1919年。
- With HTML you can display images in a document. HTML可以让你在文档中显示一些图片。
- Softcopy is a nonpermanent display image, example:a cathode ray tube display. 软拷贝是一种非永久性的显示图像,如:阴极射线管显示。
- An image gallery can display images in different ways. 图像画廊能以不同方式显示图像。
- In computer graphics, to change a display image, for example, by scaling, rotating, or translating. 在计算机图形学中,改变所显示的图象,例如转动、平移、放大、缩小等。
- In computer graphics, to increase by a common factor the dimension of a display image. 在计算机制图技术中,将显示图象的幅面按一定公因数增大。
- In computer graphics, turning all or part of a display image about an axis perpendicular to the display surface. 在计算机图形学中,使显示图象的一部分或全部围绕垂直于显示平面的轴转动的过程。
- The sequence of events needed to generate a display image from its representation in storage. 从存储器中的图象表示程序里产生一个显示图象所需的事件序列。