- static binary translation 静态二进制翻译
- Then the binary translation system ITA, which is developed by us, is introduced. 然后介绍了我们设计并实现的二进制翻译系统ITA及其关键技术。
- Binary translation has a good performance because of the support of techniques such as code caching,native code execution,code block linking,dynamic hot-path superblock generation,etc. 动态二进制翻译由于拥有代码缓存、本地执行、代码块链接、动态热路径生成等优化技术的支持,有着很高的性能。
- FXBIN decimal to FIXed BINary translation 十进制到固定二进制转换
- system-level dynamic binary translation 系统级动态二进制翻译
- Dynamic Binary Translation for Preventing Code Injection Attacks 使用动态二进制翻译防止代码植入攻击
- Two Condition Code Optimization Approaches in Binary Translation 二进制翻译中的标志位优化技术
- Exception Handling in Application Level Binary Translation 二进制翻译应用级异常处理
- I do not get any static on my set. 我的电视机没有静电干扰。
- Technology of recovering function return type in binary translation 二进制翻译中的函数返回类型恢复技术
- Library Function Disposing Approach in Binary Translation 二进制翻译中的库函数处理
- We design and implement two application-level binary translators: Digital Bridge and Digital Bridge V2. These two systems both work under linux for Godson server, and translate the elf file of x86 ISA to Godson ISA( MIPS likely). 本文介绍了我所在二进制翻译研究组设计并实现的两个应用程序级的二进制翻译器:Digital Bridge和Digital Bridge V2。 两个系统都是在linux下,把elf格式的x86文件翻译到GODSON(类MIPS)指令集并在GODSON服务器上运行。
- Annotation Directed Dynamic Binary Translation and Optimization 注解信息制导的动态二进制翻译及优化
- A byte composed of eight binary elements. 一个由8个二进制数位组成的字节。
- A byte composed of two binary elements. 一种由两个二进制位组成的字节。同two-bitbyte。
- I am making a verbal translation. 我正在逐字的翻译。
- A byte composed of five binary elements. 由五个二进制码元组成的字节。同five-bitbyte。
- Do all computers use binary system? 所有的计算机都使用二进制吗?
- It is the translation of theories into practice. 这是理论到实践的转变。