- China State Owned Forest Farm Development Corp. 中国国营林场开发总公司。
- Timber logging and skidding techniques in state owned forest farm 国有林场木材采集工艺技术研讨
- The present and features of the safety control on site in cutting areas on state owned forest farms and tending farms are presented, with the specific safety controls given. 本文论述了当前国有林场、采育场木材生产伐区现场安全管理的现状和特点,提出了伐区现场安全管理的内容与措施。
- State owned forest farm 国有林场
- What advantages state owned forest farms have? --Interview with Hou Kaiju, leader of working station of state owned forestry farm in Hubei Province 国有林场的优势何在?--湖北省国有林场改革的启示
- On a new pattern to rent and engage in orchard for the staff and workers of state owned forest farms 国有林场职工租赁经营果园的新模式
- Intensity voices coming from poverty stated own forest farms--Investigation of the poverty stated own forest farms 来自贫困国有林场的强烈呼声--关于贫困国有林场的调查
- The Practice and the Thinking of the Reformation of the State - owned Forest Farm of Shibazhan Forestry Bureau 十八站林业局国有林场改革工作的实践与思考
- On the Way of Raising the Quality of Commercial Forest of State - owned Forest Farm 浅议提升国有林场商品用材林质量的途径
- Discussing on Forest Resource Management of State - owned Forest Farm under Classified Management 福州市国有林场分类经营探讨
- Approaching on the Technical Standard of Cutting Area Road of State's Own Forest Farm in Fujian Province 福建省国有林场伐区道路技术标准探讨
- Some thoughts on reform of Chinese key state owned forest regions 关于深化重点国有林区改革的几点思考
- state--owned forest farm 国有林场
- Current Status and Reform Countermeasure on Tax Fee Burden in State- owned Forest Farm of Tongshan County 通山县国有林场税费负担现状与改革对策
- That was a large scale state owned enterprise. 那是一个大型国有企业。
- Privately - run Forest Farm--the New Model of State- owned Forest Region -- the Investigation of Eqiu Privately - run Forest Farm in Tuqiang Forestry Bureau 民营林场--国有林区经营新模式--关于图强林业局额丘民营林场的调查
- Anatomizing the Institutional Innovations'Impetus of State - Owned Forest Farms in Guangdong Province 广东国有林场制度创新动力剖析
- Under these systems, the state owns all property. 在这样的制度下,国家控制所有财产。
- How Will the State Owned Enterprises Strive for Talents? 国企如何应对人才争夺战?
- Forest Farm near the entrance to the Butterfly Valley, everywhere dancing Nabi. 在林场入口处附近的蝴蝶谷,则处处可见翩翩起舞的彩蝶。