- state budgetary estimate 国家概算
- We can not agree on the budget estimate. 我们不能在概算问题上取得一致。
- We couldn't agree on the budget estimate. 我们在预算的问题上意见相左。
- The premier gave a report on the state budget. 总理作了国家预算的报告。
- Most governors have the power to veto line items of the proposed state budget. 许多州长有权反对州预算法案提案的项目
- The state budget assumes reduced expenditures on welfare in outyears. 来年度官方预算将减少福利支出
- Predesign stage: Budgetary estimate of blueprint of initial design specification, initial design, initial design. 初步设计阶段:初步设计说明、初步设计图纸、初步设计概算。
- Ten percent of the state budget is equal to over 20,000 billion yuan. 国家预算节省百分之十,就是二十多万亿元。
- But Haiti still depends on foreign aid for over 65% of the state budget. 但海地65%25的国家预算依然依赖外国援助。
- Designing budgetary estimate is to point to in initial design or enlarge predesign stage, the shew consideration that has to project cost according to designing a requirement. 设计概算是指在初步设计或扩大初步设计阶段,根据设计要求对工程造价进行的概略计算。
- This paper discusses the situation of main control hydrology station material of Heilongjiang and Wusuli River and makes a budgetary estimate for influx from the two rivers. 阐述了黑龙江、乌苏里江上主要控制水文站的资料情况,对黑龙江、乌苏里江的入境水量进行了概算。
- The design mainly includes prolegomenon, on-site investigations records, design interpretation, budget explanatory notes, budgetary estimate chart and project illustration. 设计主要包括绪论,现场勘查记录,设计说明,预算说明,概预算表,工程设计图几个主要部分。
- Secondly ,in capital construction auditing respect ,the firm has linked the budgetary estimate, budget and final accounts through the clue of cost of building. 以工程造价为主线,把基建工程概算、预算、决算审计有机地统一起来。第三,管理咨询领域。
- Eventually,the author evaluated the benefit and invested the budgetary estimate of the investment of the establishment and manegement of Gudou mountain provincial nature reseve. 最后,对建立古兜山省级自然保护区的投资概算和效益进行了评价。
- Before answering your questions,I would like to brief you on the performance of last year's state budget. 在回答各位的提问前,我先简要向大家介绍一下去年国家预算执行情况。
- Local and state budgets decimated by the loss of tax revenue. 地方和国家预算毁灭的损失税收。
- Generally the State budget does not provide interest rate subsidy to the State Policy Banks. 一般而言,国家预算不向国家政策性银行提供利率补贴。
- The carrying out of Norm 2000 is facing several problems because the budget estimate of drainage pipeline cannot meet with the principle of bid project bill. 由于排水管道工程的概预算不能满足招投标工程清单报价的原则,给2000定额的贯彻执行带来了诸多问题。
- According to the summary statements of local budget authorities,the general performance of state budget in 1999 is quite satisfactory. 从目前各地财政报表的汇总情况看,1999年,国家预算执行情况比较好。
- The state budget is limited and,moreover,the amount of our military expenditures has to be decided with a view to the overall balance. 国家只能拿出那么多钱,用于军事方面多少,还要进行综合平衡。