- Why shouldn't Kiwis own their own bank? 为何纽西兰人就不能有自己的银行?
- A shared characteristic on Shanghai's dazzling cityscape: seed money from Chinese state owned banks and companies. 上海令人眩目的城市风景拥有一个共同的特症:资金都来自于中国国有银行和企业。
- Continental Europeans would be better off worrying less about hedge funds in London and more about the state of their own banks. 少为英国的对冲基金操点心,把更多精力放在自己的银行上,这对欧洲大陆来说更加有利。
- The goal of Chinese AMCs is to maximize the recovered value of non-performing assets, improve the balance status of the state owned banks and sustain SOE reform. 资产管理公司的经营目标是实现不良资产价值回收最大化 ,改善国有商业银行资产负债状况和支持国有企业改革。
- He kept the money for himself and paid it into his own bank. 他把钱私吞了,存进了自己的银行帐户里。
- Each party shall be responsible for its own bank charges. 各方应负责各自的银行费用。
- She has been accused of siphoning off thousands of pounds from the company into her own bank account. 她被指控把公司的几千英镑转移到了自己的账户里。
- On the other hand, nation-states jealously guard the right to oversee their own banks. 而从另一个角度来讲,民族国家对本国银行的监管权视若至宝,绝不容许他人染指。
- Their own banks held few of the mortgage-based assets that undid the rich world's financial firms. 过去一年的大部分时间里,高速发展的新兴国家一直在远处观望着西方国家的金融风暴。
- Their own banks held few of the mortgage-based assets that undid the rich world’s financial firms. 这些新兴国家的银行里几乎没有那些摧毁富裕国家金融公司的抵押类资产。
- Divisions are not allowed to hold their own bank accounts, except to handle day-to-day business transactions. 除了处理日常经济业务外,不允许分部持有自己的银行帐户。
- The accountant was putting money into his own bank account and cooking the cooks. 会计将公款存入私人账户,伪造账目。
- Internet Cash has worked to make it easy to transfer funds from your own bank to a prepaid Internet Cash account. 网际网路现金已经使工作转移从你自己的银行到一个预付的网际网路现金帐户的基金是容易的。
- So Yunus started his own bank to help the poorest of the poor lift themselves up. 尤努斯便自创银行,以帮助最穷困的人提升自己的生活水平。
- Today, those foreign countries are fearful of dollar inflation, which could decapitate their own bank reserves. 今天,这些国家担心美元会通胀,进而可能导致它们的银行储备严重缩水。
- It doesn't help that some of the government's own bank examiners may be browbeating firms to stockpile cash. 政府委派的一些银行检查员可能会逼迫银行机构储备现金,但此举毫无帮助。
- Economically, the country is in a very healthy state. 从经济学的观点来说,国家处于很兴旺的状态之中。
- He went on the stump in his home state. 他到故乡所在的州去发表演说。
- Although the Euro zone's citizens are using their own bank notes and coins,they are no longer stand-alone currencies,but subdivisions of the Euro. 欧元区居民仍在使用的纸币和铸币已不再是独一无二的货币,而是已成为欧元的一部分。
- He is reading a report of the state of the roads. 他正在看一篇关于道路状况的报告。