- stars team upgrade 星级班组升级
- Iran All Star Team made great progress recently. 伊朗明星男子篮球队近来取得了令世界瞩目的成绩。
- The score is two to one in favor of the Red Star team. 比分是2:1,红星队胜。
- Towards the end of the second half, the Red Star team scored the second goal. 下半场快结束时,红星队踢进了第二个球。
- He was selected to the All Star team 13 times, winning three All Star game MVPs. 他13次入选全明星阵容,获得了其中的三届全明星赛MVP。
- Mutu 33 minutes after the break quickly kicked out shot, the ball went straight to goalkeeper Zapata Star team left, but failed to scored. 北京时间10月1日凌晨2:45,欧冠小组赛第二轮第一日的比赛全面来开战幕,其中意甲劲旅佛罗伦萨在主场迎战布加勒斯特星。
- He also be a member of Internationl Soccer Star team before. At 1997, He called by Argentina Coach Daniel Passarella, but he refuse it. 但他却不肯入队,虽然他在皇家马德里的表现很好,但因为和教练的不和令他入选国家队的机会不大。
- The star team" Real Madrid" is invincible, depending on the gathering of elites, the excellent use of tactics, perfect on-the-spot performance and strong teamwork spirit! 明星队“皇马”所向披靡,全仗各路精英汇聚、以外包装、好的战术运用、场发挥默契及团队效应而成就伟业!
- Viola 87 minutes back to the closed area on the right side of the foul Semedo, Star team the opportunity to receive free kick but failed to create any threat. 87分钟紫百合后卫对禁区右侧的塞梅多犯规,星队得到任意球机会,但未能制造出什么威胁。
- "Finally, a normal 15-minute adventure, but Star team captured the first line of defense we are wrong, we have a chance, but on balance I think a draw was a reasonable result. “最后15分钟冒险很正常,星队只是抓住了我们后防线上的一次错误,我们也有机会,但总体来说,我认为平局是一个合理的结果。”
- These traits gained high-profile recognition when Jackman was selected in the FIFA Women's World Stars team, for whom she slotted in at right-back for the showpiece mach against China that preceded the draw for the FIFA Women's World Cup. 当杰克曼被选入国际足联女足明星队,作为右后卫在国际足联女足世界杯抽签仪式前对阵中国队时,她的这些显著特点得到高度的赞誉。
- Baylor was selected to 11 All Star teams and an unbelievable 10 times on the All NBA team, with all of the selections as a member of the first team. 贝勒11次入选全明星阵容和难以置信的10次作为第一队成员入选NBA最佳阵容。
- Florence, 84 minutes access to restricted free kick on the left side of the opportunity, Vargas ball into the restricted area, the Zapatista Star team goalkeeper saved the ball flying. 84分钟佛罗伦萨获得禁区左侧的任意球机会,瓦尔加斯将球开进禁区,星队门将萨帕塔飞身将球扑出。
- It took him a few years to get comfortable and find his place in the L, but Jameer finally found it all clicking last year, making the All Star team before getting sidelined with a shoulder injury. 虽然尼尔森花了不少时间才融入了联盟和找到了自己的位置,但终于在去年他成功了,在他肩部受伤缺阵之前,他顺利入选了全明星。
- The sky is bespangled with stars. 天空中点缀着亮晶晶的星星。
- Tony is the star player on our team. 汤尼是我队的主力。
- For a while, the darkling star disappeared behind thick clouds. 隐约出现的星星暂时消失在厚厚的云层後面了。
- Deploy an ammo upgrade and have your team use it. 安装弹药仓然后每个队员都取得弹药。
- These stars appear to move around the North Star. 这些星星似乎环绕着北极星转。
- Our team swept the board in the sports games. 我们代表队在运动会中大获全胜。