- stare比gaze精神集中,常指张目注视。Staring is more intense than gazing and the eyes are often wide open.
- [stare,gasp etc+] 满怀钦佩in admiration
- stare比gaze精神集中,常指张目注视Staring is more intense than gazing and the eyes are often wide open
- stare比gaze精神集中, 常指张目注视Staring be more Intense than gazing and the eyes are often wide open
- stare比gaze精神集中, 常指张目注视。Staring is more intense than gazing and the eyes is often wide open.
- 使烂醉因或似因喝了酒而头脑发呆To stupefy with or as if with alcoholic drink.
- 坐着发呆。Sit around and do nothing.
- 用STARE-TRIAD联合观测对磁层-电离层不完全耦合的实例研究A Case Study for Imperfect Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling by STARE-TRIAD Joint Observations
- 受惊发呆be stupefied with terror
- 你在凝视什么? stare指“睁大眼睛、目不转睛地盯着看”, 如:What are you gazing at
- 她因痛失丈夫而伤心得发呆。She was benumbed with grief at the death of her husband.
- 他吓得发呆。He was petrified with terror.
- 磁扰日向阳面对流电场转向区位置的晨昏不对称性(STARE、TRIAD、AE-C观测综合分析)The Dawn-dusk Asymmetry of the Dayside Convection Reversal Location on High Geomagnetic Disturbed Days (Combination of Stare, Triad and AE-C)
- 还是不爱会发呆?That we are afraid of the absence of minds when out of love?
- 瞪着窗户发呆。Cut to Rachel staring out of her window.
- 就在他发呆的时刻,高佬在空中向下使出了一刀两断斩劈向江桥。At time that he daze, the high guy gets down to use to make a clean break to cut to split toward river's bridge in the sky.
- 你头脑发呆了吗?Have you gone soft in the head?
- 来,不要发呆,跟我去;我可以告诉你为什么他的死是不可避免的。Come, stand not amazed at it, but go along with me; I will show you such a necessity in his death
- 一个人为爱傻傻发呆A human love innocently daze
- 出神;发呆;心不在焉Absence of mind ; forgetfulness