- They stare at each other in the misty half-light of dawn. 他们在模糊半明的晨光之中互相瞪着对方。
- Those two are old enemies who stare at each other in anger whenever they meet. 这两个人是多年的宿敌,一见面就怒目相视。
- Maybe because you wish it had happened?"he snaps, and they stare at each other, each breathing hard. 或许是因为你希望如此?“他厉声说道,他们相互瞪着对方,两人的呼吸都很紧张。
- Ralph, Sr. and Nancy stare at him and then at each other in amazement. The front door begins to open. 大拉尔夫和南茜吃惊地盯着他,接着,再相互盯着对方。前门开了。
- They stared at each other in dismay. 他们惊惶地面面相觑。
- They stare at each other for several seconds, then she frowns and flicks her gaze back to his chest. 他们两个互相瞪了对方一会儿,然后她皱起了眉,把目光挪到了他的胸前。
- They stare at each other in silence, then Malfoy clenches his eyes shut with a grimace. 他们静静的瞪着对方,然后Malfoy痛苦的闭上了眼。“滚出去。
- Stunned and embarrassed, we stared at each other. 我们互相直视对方,愕然而不知所措。
- They stared at each other for a long time. 他们互相凝视了很长时间。
- In the harsh glare of the lights they look at each other vacuously and there is a strange tenseness with which they stare at one another. 在刺眼的灯光照射下他们呆呆地互相望着,而且他们逼视对方的目光里有一种奇怪的紧张感。
- They stared at each other in speechless despair and eyed her questioningly. 在座的人面面相觑,大家带着询问和疑惑的眼光举目望她。
- Should Tom be here as well, they would surely stand side by side,laughing at him, stare at each other and leave him alone. 如果汤姆也在这里的话,他们一定会站在一起嘲笑他,相互凝望着,把他丢在一边。
- They stared at each other, there in the parlors. The showdown had begun. 他们就在客厅里这样互相盯着对方。最后的决战终于开始了!
- They merely stand there staring at each other angerly without fighting. 他们没有打架,只是站在那里互相怒目而视。
- Enfolded in utter darkness,he and I silently stare at each other eye to eye,there being an air of perfect tranquility,seemingly but our breath being heard and our passion being bolted up inside. 无际的黑暗里,我与他默默对视着。周围静谧无声,仿佛只有彼此的呼吸起伏,缠绵难舍的纠结着。
- My wife and I just stared at each other in disbelief," Young said, recalling that first listening session. 我的妻子和我只是盯着对方难以置信,"华说,回顾第一届听。
- Both lay face to face, staring at each other, every force in their beings concentrated upon the act of listening. 两个人脸对脸躺着,望着对方,都在全神贯注地倾听。
- John and his father stared at each other, struck dumb and still and with something come to life between them. 约翰和父亲面面相觑,都一动不动地楞在那儿,在他们之间有某种东西复苏了。
- We two black boys stood staring at each other, comparing the motives of the absent white man. 我们两个黑孩子站在那里直盯盯地相互看着对方,捉摸着那位不在场的白人的动机。
- They stood together on the bottom step and stared at each other, surrounded by oblivious strangers. 他们并肩站在最底层的台阶上凝视彼此,忘记了周围来来往往的行人。