- standard random walk 标准随机走动
- Random walks, brownian motion, diffusion. 随机行走,布朗运动,扩散。
- The usual diffusion random walk treatment does not consider any interaction between the particles. 一般的扩散无规则运动理论并不考虑粒子间的任何作用。
- Romeijn, H. Edwin. "Global Optimization by Random Walk Sampling Methods." Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers, 1992. 《随机漫步取样方法的整体性最佳化》,阿姆斯特丹:论文出版社,1992。
- Problem Set 3: Asymptotics of percentile order statistics, non-reversing random walk, self-trapping random walk, self-avoiding random walk. 问题3:有序统计百分数的近似、非可逆随机漫步、自已诱捕随机漫步、自已避免随机漫步。
- A main characteristic of the random walk and Martingale models is that the returns are uncorrelated. 随机行走和鞅模型的一个主要特征是报酬率是不相关的。
- The result of the variance ratio showed that the random walk hypothesis on the wheat futures of ZCE was disproved. 方差比检验的研究结果却表明郑州小麦期货市场不满足有效性假设。
- Two kinds of algorithms are compared and analyzed to calculate the random walk coefficient of RLG. 对比研究了两种随机游走系数的计算方法;
- A general model of random walk in time-random environment in any denumerable space is established. 文章在可数状态空间中建立了时间随机环境下随机游动的一个广泛的模型.
- As for application, the model can equivalently describe a type of random walk with finite jumps. 并且作为一个应用,证明了系统的总人口数的期望有限等价于一类随机游动具有一个正速度。
- In this work, we have studied the model of random walk with three absorbent boundaries. 本文研究了这种带有三条吸收壁的有限步随机游动模型。
- The analysis also proves that the run test and the random walk test only have the limited power against the EMH. 研究还证明了目前通行的游程检验与随机游走模型检验在检验市场弱式有效性方面存在一定缺陷。
- EMH is established on the following three presuppositions: rational investor, efficient market and random walk process. EMH是建立在理性投资者、市场有效和随机游走过程这三个核心前提假定基础上的。
- Two algorithms,graph cut and random walk based on graph theory,were applied to motion segmentation. 将两种基于图论的算法图切割与随机游走应用于运动对象的分割。
- In the process of development there are three types of efficient market model: expected return model, random walk model and downside martingale model. 在其发展过程中出现了三种有效市场模型:预期收益模型、随机游走模型以及下鞅模型。
- Since Brownian motion can be considered a continuous random walk, the hypothesis that price is Brownian motion is equivalent to EMH. 摘要布朗运动可以看成连续时间的随机游动,从连续交易的角度看,交易价格服从布朗运动的假设等价于市场有效假设。
- Duing to the root unit test's particularity, it can meet the hypothesis of martingale, so it may be more reasonable than the random walk test. 由于股价指数时间序列的单位根检验能够满足鞅假定的要求,故较之随机游走检验对股票市场弱式有效性的验证更具合理性。
- By analyzing the adjoint network using the modified random walk process, a new method is proposed for P/G network sensitivity computing. 通过修改随机行走过程进行伴随网络的瞬态分析,提出一种快速计算灵敏度的算法。
- A random walk down Wall Street :the time-tested strategyfor successful investing /Burton G. Malkiel..--[9th ed.]. .--New York :W. W. Norton,c2007. 非理性繁荣/罗勃.;席勒著;齐思贤;周翠如译
- The idea is that share prices follow some gentle random walk away from an equilibrium, rather like motes of dust jiggling around in Brownian motion. 其想法在于,股票价格遵循偏离均衡的相当温和的随机漫步(randomwalk)原则,颇似布朗运动(Brownianmotion)[5]中四处轻摆的花粉微粒[6]。