- standard input function 标准输入函数
- Acquires the standard input stream. 获取标准输入流。
- Unique Phonetic input function with free Phonetic format. 独特的拼音声调输入功能、可随意编排。
- The prompt character is processed as a standard input character. 将提示字符作为标准输入字符处理。
- This property is set to the standard input stream by default. 默认情况下,此属性设置为标准输入流。
- By default, the In property is set to the standard input stream. 默认情况下,In属性会设置为标准输入流。
- Reads the next character from the standard input stream. 从标准输入流读取下一个字符。
- Reads the next line of characters from the standard input stream. HostProtectionAttribute从标准输入流读取下一行字符。
- The standard input is not used unless a filename operand is specified as -. 如果一个文件操作数不被指定则标准输入被指定。
- Acquires the standard input stream, which is set to a specified buffer size. 获取设置为指定缓冲区大小的标准输入流。
- Class provides access to standard input and output files and error devices. 类提供对标准输入输出文件和错误设备的访问。
- Unlike the Input function, the InputString function returns all of the characters it reads, including commas, carriage returns, line feeds, quotation marks, and leading spaces. 与Input函数不同,InputString函数返回它读取的所有字符,包括逗号、回车符、换行符、引号和前导空格等。
- A device whose output function is proportional to the derivative of the input function with respect to one or more variables, e. g., a resistance-capacitance network used to select the leading and trailing edges of a pulse signal. 一种器件,其输出函数与一个或多个变量的输入函数的导数成比例。例如,用于选择脉冲信号的前沿和后沿的阻容网络。
- To live in a pipeline, a utility needs to read data from standard input and write data to standard output. 为了生活在管道中,实用程序需要从标准输入读取数据,然后向标准输出写出数据。
- A device whose output function is proportional to the derivative of the input function with respect to one or more variables, e.g., a resistance-capacitance network used to select the leading and trailing edges of a pulse signal. 一种器件,其输出函数与一个或多个变量的输入函数的导数成比例。例如,用于选择脉冲信号的前沿和后沿的阻容网络。
- Represents the standard input, output, and error streams for console applications. 表示控制台应用程序的标准输入流、输出流和错误流。
- If a given input function is invoked repeatedly with arguments that resolve to the same absolute URI during the scope of a single query or transformation, each invocation returns the same result. 如果在单个查询或转换范围内一个给定输入函数被重复调用,而且参数解析到相同的绝对URI,那么每个调用都返回相同的结果。
- HTML Tidy runs as a filter, so it expects standard input and it prints the result to the standard output. HTML Tidy是作为过滤器运行的,因此它希望从标准输入设备获得数据,并将处理结果打印到标准输出设备上。
- Idiom, this automatically works either on standard input or on files named on the command line. 表达方式,这个小实用程序既适用于标准输入,也适用于命令行指定的文件。
- This code sample demonstrates how to read from and write to the standard input and output streams. 此代码示例演示如何从标准输入流与输出流读取和向它们写入。