- standard format output 标准格式输出
- Generate "little endian" format output. 生成“小端”格式输出。
- Generate "big endian" format output. 生成“大端”格式输出。
- Save the file in a standard format. 以标准格式保存图片。
- All Internet addresses follow the standard format: userid@ domain . 所有因特网地址,都遵循下述准格式:userid domain。
- The output for the above code is an HTML file that has the same standard format as all the rest of the Java documentation,so users will be comfortable with the format and can easily navigate your classes. 上述代码的输出是一个HTML文件,它与其他Java文档具有相同的标准格式。因此,用户会非常熟悉这种格式,可在您设计的类中方便地“漫游”。
- Returns formatted output using a resourced format string. 用资源格式化串返回格式化的输出。
- The output for the above code is an HTML file that has the same standard format as all the rest of the Java documentation, so users will be comfortable with the format and can easily navigate your classes. 上述代码的输出是一个html文件,它与其他Java文档具有相同的标准格式。 因此,用户会非常熟悉这种格式,可在您设计的类中方便地“漫游”。
- Are the evaluation reports prepared in a standard format and subject to review? 评估报告是否按标准格式拟定及不时进行检讨?
- The standard format for Web pages, which can be read by Web browsers. Web浏览器能读取的Web页面的标准格式。
- This means that Web services send and receive messages in a standard format. 意思是说Web服务相互之间用一种标准的格式发送和接收消息。
- HTML defines a lot of elements for formatting output, like bold or italic text. HTML定义了许多元素用来格式化输出,就像加粗或斜体文本。
- Communicating with a Web service method using SOAP follows a standard format. 使用SOAP与Web服务方法通信时采用标准格式。
- Convert customer BOM into internal standard format, then apply for internal Material Part No. in system. 将客户提供的bom作内部格式标准化,并在系统中申请内部物料号。
- MSBuild project file comments are written in the standard format for comments in an XML file. MSBuild项目文件的注释以XML文件的标准注释的格式编写。
- The Space function is useful for formatting output and clearing data in fixed-length strings. Space函数对于格式化输出和清除定长串中的数据非常有用。
- PGC files that do not obey the standard format will have to be merged manually using the Pgomgr tool. 不遵从标准格式的PGC文件必须使用Pgomgr工具手动合并。
- Function is useful for formatting output and clearing data in fixed-length strings. 在格式化输出内容和清除固定长度的字符串中的数据时
- XLIFF is designed to make localization easier by providing a standard format for exchanging translatable data. XLIFF通过为交换可翻译数据提供标准格式达到简化本地化的目的。
- The actual character used as the date separator in formatted output is determined by your system settings. 格式化输出中用作日期分隔符的实际字符由系统设置确定。