- The default range for a standard scroll bar is 0 to 100. The default range for a scroll-bar control is empty (both values are 0). 标准滚动条的范围是0到100。滚动条控件的缺省范围是空的(两个值都是0)。
- The window does not have scroll bars. 窗口没有滚动条。
- Use the scroll bars to see more of the picture. 使用滚动栏细看图片。
- Gets or sets the minimum size of the scroll bar. 获取或设置滚动条的最小尺寸。
- Gets the horizontal scroll bar for the grid. 获取网格的水平滚动条。
- Gets the horizontal scroll bar of the control. 获取控件的水平滚动条。
- Objects for the parts of the scroll bar control. 包含为滚动条控件的部件提供。
- HTHSCROLL In the horizontal scroll bar. 在水平滚动条上。
- Draws a scroll button on a scroll bar control. 在滚动条控件上绘制滚动按钮。
- The scroll bar element is disabled. 滚动条元素处于热状态。
- Scroll bar range cannot be greater than MAXLONG. 滚动条范围不可大于MAXLONG。
- Update the position of the scroll bar thumb. 更新滚动条滑块的位置。
- ListBox how to set the horizontal scroll bar? 如何为 ListBox 设定水平滚动栏?
- Tk includes buttons,menus,scroll bars and other graphical widgets. Tk包括按纽、菜单、滚动条和其他的图形小玩意。
- Gets or sets the minimum size of the automatic scroll bars. 获取或设置自动滚动条的最小大小。
- Control displays horizontal and vertical scroll bars as necessary. 控件在必要时会显示水平和垂直滚动条。
- Scroll bars are a common element of the Windows interface. 滚动条是Windows界面的一种常见元素。
- You can select the size of scroll bars and window borders. 您可选择滚动条和窗口边框的大小。
- A simple application, with three scroll bars, labeled R, G, and B. 这是一个简单的应用程序,带有三个滚动条,标号为R,G,B。
- Move the thumb as the user drags the thumb within the scroll bar. 当用户在滚动条内拖动滑块时移动滑块。