- He was received into the standing committee. 他被接纳为常委会成员。
- Mr Robinson was coopted on to the standing committee. 罗宾逊先生被增选为新常务委员
- Later on, Lin Biao was added to the Standing Committee. 后来又加了一个林彪。
- Subsequently the Standing Committee gave an interpretation on June 26. 人大常委会其后在一九九九年六月二十六日做出解释。
- Its permanent body is the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. 它的常设机关是全国人民代表大会常务委员会。
- In addition, the NPC Standing Committee is working out a Supervision Law. 此外,全国人大常委会正在抓紧研究制定《监督法》。
- In addition,the NPC Standing Committee is working out a Supervision Law. 此外,全国人大常委会正在抓紧研究制定《监督法》。
- A bill needs deliberation by the Standing Committee for three rounds. 在审议法案的过程中,双方共同进行工作。
- Subsequently, the Standing Committee gave an interpretation on June 26, 1999. 人大常委会其后在一九九九年六月二十六日作出解释。
- The C Standing Committee has already ruled out universal suffrage by2007. 人大常委会已否决二零零七年实施普选。
- The NPC Standing Committee has already ruled out universal suffrage by2007. 人大常委会已否决二零零七年实施普选。
- For the moment, it was premature to consider establishing a standing committee. 现在考虑设立一个常设委员会,时机尚未成熟。
- That body would be called a Standing Committee on a WIPO Development Agenda. 这一机构可以称为WIPO发展议程常设委员会。
- The Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of the Standing Committee shall serve no more than two consecutive terms. 委员长、副委员长连续任职不得超过两届。
- We should optimize the composition of the standing committees. 优化人大常委会组成人员的结构。
- When the congress is mot in session,its functions are exercised by a standing committee. 代表大会闭会其期间,由常委会委使它的职权。
- Any law returned by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress shall immediately be invalidated. 经全国人民代表大会常务委员会发回的法律立即失效。
- The present vice-president of the state and eight out of the nineteen vice-chairmen of the NPC Standing Committee are members of democratic parties. 现任国家副主席、19名全国人大常委会副委员长中的8名副委员长,都是民主党派人士。
- The Standing Committee of the NationaI People's Congress is doing legislative work every day. 我们全国人大常委会在立法。
- The provisions of an autonomous region shall be reported to the NPC Standing Committee for ratification. 自治区的规定,报全国人民代表大会常务委员会批准。