- A plant having only staminate flowers. 雄性植物只具有雄性花的植物
- Staminate flowers: tepals 4, white. 雄花:花被片4,白色。
- Staminate flowers 5 per umbellule, pedicels ca. 2.5 mm. 雄花5每小伞形花序,花梗约2.;5毫米。
- Stamens 8, ca. 5 mm in staminate flowers, shorter in pistillate, glabrous. 雄蕊8,大约5毫米在雄花内,在雌花内短,无毛。
- Axillary inflorescence primordia occur in mid-August.Anther primordia are formed in staminate flowers by mid-October. 雄花序原体约在8月中旬于叶腋处出现,10月中旬,花药原体形成。
- Objective To investigate quality differences between Pollen Typhae and Pollen with staminate flower. 目的 考察蒲黄与草蒲黄之间的质量差异。
- Results There existed significant difference between Pollen Typhae and Pollen with staminate flower. 结果 蒲黄与草蒲黄之间的质量差异较大。
- Plant monoecious: staminate flowers on obovoid or club-shaped stiff spikes, 1.5-2 cm long; pistilate flowers in a dense globose head. 雌雄同株:雄花序倒卵形或棒状,长1.;5-2厘米;雌花序圆头状。
- The primitiveness in stamen morphology of the Schisandra staminate flowers is also discussed, which might agree with the origin antiquity of the genus. 讨论了五味子属植物的雄花在雄蕊形态上的原始性及其所反映的该类群起源的古老性;
- Phellodendron amurense Rupr. is a dioecious tree with abortive carpels in the staminate flower and abortive stamens in the pistillate flower. 黄檗(Phellodendron amurense Rupr.;) 为雌雄异株植物,雌花中有退化的雄蕊原基,雄花中有退化的心皮。
- The torus of the staminate flower in the spherical-torus type becomes carnified and swollen with the stamen growing into the depressions or cavities of the spherical torus. 在此基础上,进一步讨论了诸类型间的系统演化关系,认为柱托型是原始类型;
- As developing, staminate flower kept closure and folded and would get wilt gradually.Very few staminate flower may blossom but no effective pollen went out. 继续生长发育,雄花不开放,不开放的花蕾逐渐萎缩以至干枯,个别花朵虽然开放,但无有效花粉散出。
- Staminate flowers: stamens 8. 雄花雄蕊8。
- Fibrous thickenings are formed in the cells of the endothecium.In staminate flowers, the septum separating anther locules was cleaved and the stomium was degenerated to release the pollen grains. 在雄花,紧邻二个花药腔之隔膜细胞瓦解、唇细胞裂开,药隔组织分开,花粉粒即可释出;
- The trunks bend and grow on the ground, their tips incline up- ward.Their leaves are conifer- ous, with yellow staminate flowers and purple female flowers, as well as slightly oval-shaped seeds. 为常绿小乔木,分枝很多,主干伏在地面生长,末端斜而向上,针状叶,雄花黄色,雌花紫色,球果紫褐色,种子略呈卵形。
- Disk extrastaminal, or in female flowers extragynoecial, comprised of several small closely set or connate glands (usually in staminate flowers) or annular (often in pistillate flowers). 花盘雄蕊外,或在雌花为雌蕊群外,包括数个小的紧密或愈合的腺体(通常在雄花)或环状(通常在雌花)。
- The flowers send forth fragrance. 这些花散发出香味。
- ovary purplish, rudimentary in staminate flowers. 在雄花里略带紫色,初步的子房。
- Staminate flowers: stamens many; 花盘腺体无。
- Staminate flowers: pedicel 0.7-2 cm, glabrous; 雄花花梗0.;7-2厘米,无毛;