- Admin users interact with the staff activity of your process. 管理用户与您的流程的staff动作进行交互。
- A staff activity can be considered to be an invoke activity that is implemented by a human being. 人员活动可以被认为是通过人工操作实现的调用活动。
- A staff activity can be used whenever your process needs to involve a real person in the execution of your process. staff动作能够在任何您的流程需要的涉及真实的人的时候用于流程的执行。
- IBM extends the BPEL standard to include some useful components such as JavaSnippet and the Staff activity. IBM扩展了BPEL规范,包括一些有用的组件,例如JavaSnippet和Staff活动。
- However these processes are non-interruptible, so it prevents adding staff activities to the process. 然而,这些流程是不可中断的,所以不能向流程中添加员工活动。
- You are interested in the average time that staff activities took to be completed. 如果您对完成人员活动所消耗的平均时间产生兴趣。
- The state transitions and generated audit events of a staff activity are shown in Figure 9. 人员活动的状态转变和生成的审核事件如图9所示。
- In other words, by adding a staff activity to the exception handler, the process requires that a real person provide the courier id. 换句话说,通过向异常处理程序添加staff动作,流程需要真实的人提供的向导标识。
- A staff activity can take several minutes or even days to complete depending on the responsiveness of the person providing the output. staff活动花费若干分钟乃至若干天才可以完成取决于提供输出的人的响应能力。
- Disseminates information regarding staff activities, personnel policies, procedures, and any information related to employer-employee relations. 及时准确向员工作好人事宣传工作,如通知举办活动或公布人事新举措。
- Additionally, the staff activity is only executed in the case of an exception; therefore, the variables can be reused in the staff activity. 另外,staff动作在异常的情况下才有效;因此,在staff动作中变量可以重用。
- You should see the same number of unclaimed staff activities as the number of failed attempts to generate a courier id in the previous step. 您应该查看与未声明的staff动作数目一样的先前步骤中无法生成向导标识的尝试的数目。
- Coming up in this series, the authors will discuss business process monitoring, customization, staff activities, performance, and compensation. 在本系列接下来的文章中,作者将讨论业务流程监控、定制、员工活动、性能和调整。
- A variable can be changed for various reasons: either in a Java snippet or through the completion of a receive, pick, invoke, assign, or staff activity. 很多原因可以改变变量的值:在Java片断里或者通过完成接收、挑选、调用、分配或者人员活动。
- Some of the teachers and staff members board out. 有些住在学校的教职工在外搭伙。
- In our hospital, to carry out the new model is benefit for carrying out the modern patient-center service, undertaking the medical and educational and research development, to enactive the medical staffs activeness and to get good social benefit. 本院开设白内障专科病房门诊垂直管理模式,充分体现了“以病人为中心”的现代服务理念,有利于病人,有利于医、教、研的全面发展,调动了医护人员的工作积极性,取得了良好的社会效益。
- I regret having to make so many staff redundant. 我很遗憾不得不裁减这么多职员。
- An extraordinarily large order bucked up all the staff. 一份特大订单使全体员工欢欣鼓舞。
- He likes to lord it over the junior staff. 他喜欢对下级职员逞威风。
- Quite a few of our sale staff are women. 我们相当多的销售人员是妇女。