- The shop is closed for staff training. 该商店停业对工作人员进行培训。
- Businesses also face one-off costs in the changing of equipment and staff training. 同时,商家要面对由设备更新和员工培训带来的一次性开销。
- Reduce training cost and get effective results. 减少培训成本并得到有效的成果。
- How to avoid increase of hiring and training cost? 如何降低招聘和培训成本?
- So, to sum up, we need to concentrate on staff training. 概括地说,我们需要集中精力进行职工培训。
- Chinese Restaurant operation, Staff Training and Banquet Operation, Cost Control. 中餐运作管理,人员管理,员工培训,宴会管理,成本控制等。
- Provide a sound system for managers and staff training manual. 提供完善的店长及员工培训制度手册。
- It frees up valuable counter space and streamlines staff training. 它释放了宝贵的柜台空间和简化了工作人员的培训。
- Heroism: Training cost increased to match the cost of Bloodlust. 英勇气概:训练费增加至与嗜血术相同。
- The training cost for "Strength of Earth Totem (Rank 5)" is now correct. 大地之力图腾(等级5)的训练费用现在正常了。
- It is a venue for providing staff training as well as seminars for our customers and vendors. 除了为员工提供培训外,该学院亦为客户和供货商提供研习班
- We are offering a package deal which include the whole office computer system,staff training and hardware maintenance. 我们提供整套服务; 其中包括提供办公计算机系统; 人员培训和硬件维修.
- We offer a package deal which include the whole office computer system,staff training and hardware maintenance. 我们提供整套服务,其中包括提供办公计算机系统,人员培训和硬件维修。
- Better manage training costs and make more cost-effective decisions regarding training expenditures. 更好地管理培训成本,并就培训支出做出更佳投资回报的决策。
- Were issues related to staff training or staff competency a factor in this event? 本事件关系到员工的训练或员工的适任与否吗?
- Our funding covers transportation and training costs for a programme at the drug rehabilitation centre in Siu Lam. 抬轿比赛慈善基金资助小榄戒毒康复中心戒毒康复计划的交通及训练费用。
- Attention should be given to staff training in matters covered by the statement. 此外,在员工训练方面,银行应留意巴塞尔声明涉及的事项。
- The department provides staff with recruit, development and specialist training at the Staff Training Institute, and in-service training at individual penal institutions. 惩教署分别在职员训练院为职员提供入职、发展和专科训练,以及在个别惩教机构提供在职训练。
- The company could not indicate a person even nominally responsible for staff training. 该公司甚至不能指出一个名义上负责职员培训的人。
- We is offering a package deal which include the whole office computer system, staff training and hardware maintenance. 我们提供整套服务; 其中包括提供办公计算机系统; 人员培训和硬件维修.