- Object to one of the fill methods of the. 类的某个填充方法。
- The HPP experimental group of tumor-bearing mice were given HPP by gastric filling method for 10 days. 将60只荷瘤小鼠随机分为环磷酰胺组(50 mg/kg)、阴性对照组、花粉多糖实验组,实验组连续给小鼠灌胃花粉多糖液10 d。
- For the gentle dip orebody of fracture zone type, a couple of filling method are suitable to be employed. 本文根据鱼儿山金矿缓倾斜破碎带型矿体开采试验中情况;
- In that case, it is inefficient to have each adapter open and close the connection when you call its Fill method. 在此情况下,让每个适配器在调用其Fill方法时均打开和关闭连接将是低效的。
- Application of Mechanized Cut and Fill Method in Xinqiao Mining Corporation, Ltd. 机械化水平分层充填采矿法在新桥矿业公司的应用。
- As viewed form this, the panel upward horizontal cut-and dry filling method has been tried to use for this orebody mining, with a better results. 为此,试验用盘区上向分层干式充填采矿法进行回采,取得了较好的效果。
- Objective: Exploring the efficacy of tuberculous cavity combined with endo-bronchial TB by chemotherapy and endobronchial filling method. 摘要目的:探讨肺结核空洞合并支气管内膜结核临床化疗与支气管冲洗填塞疗效的比较。
- Based on the topological relationship between the circular boundary and the rectangle lattice,white filling method is used to solve the boundary problem. 基于等密图圆形外边界和网格法矩形外边界之间的拓扑关系,以白色充填覆盖的方法解决了外边界问题;
- The technical problems about necessary padding material,chute structure ,pedestrain raise and artific - ial floor of dry filling method are introduced and discussed. 介绍了在干式充填采矿法中,采场必须采用的铺垫材料、溜井结构、行人天井和人工假底等技术问题,并进行初步探讨。
- This paper describes main technical characteristics of underhand drift hydraulic sand filling method and its successful application at North Part of Wushan Copper Mine. 简述了铲运机出矿的下向进路式水砂充填采矿法的主要技术特点和在武山铜矿北矿带的成功应用。
- How much do all these figures stack up to? 这些数字的总和是多少?
- The necessary padding material,Chute structure,pattern of pedestrain raise and stope support in the application of dry back filling method are inquired. 介绍了在干式充填采矿法中,对采场所必须采用的铺垫材料、溜井结构、行人天井及采场支护等技术问题作初步探讨。
- This paper introduces all kinds of flow pattern of silos and analyses the influence of various factor on flow pattern of silos such as filling method, inserts and so on. 介绍了各种料仓流型,并详细分析了影响料仓流型的因素,尤其是装料形式、改流体对料仓流型的影响,为料仓设计、选择流型和改善粉体流动措施提供了参考。
- If there is large-area fill, riprap stone or stacking fill nearby, negative friction will occur on the pile which is driven into compressible soil. 支承于土中的桩,如果其附近有大面积填土、抛石、堆载等,很可能会在桩侧产生负摩阻力。
- The pressure distribution law acting on man-made concrete bottom post under loading thefilling material is a subject to be sdudied in steeply inclined thin vein mining using dry filling method. 急倾斜极薄矿脉干式充填采矿法中,充填料对人工混凝土底柱的压力规律是一个需进一步研究的问题。
- The method seems good but it needs to be tried out. 这个方法似乎不错,但需要试验一下。
- Through analysing the characters of country rock and cause of drift landslide area in Jiaojia Gold Mine, it is put forward that using filling method to treat landslide area is feasible. The filling technology and application cases are introduced. 通过分析焦家金矿井下围岩特点及巷道塌方原因 ,提出充填法处理塌方区是可行的 ,介绍了充填工艺及现场应用情况
- The shrinkage method and the cut wall filling method were used to mine the steep orebody with a high grade in Dashuiqing gold mine, which resuled in greater dilution and loss as well as the unsafe. 大水清金矿曾用留矿法、削壁充填法开采高品位急倾斜矿体,贫化、损失率较大,且存在不安全因素。
- He placed his books in a neat stack. 他把书整整齐齐放成一堆。
- You will find a little stack of candles in reserve. 你会发现一小堆备用蜡烛。