- A stable monetary policy was carried out. 稳健的货币政策被实施。
- A stable monetary policy was carried out, and more loans were made. 实施稳健的货币政策,贷款增加较多。
- Structural adjustments and reforms have continued to progress,supported by increased government investment,particularly in infrastructure in the western and central parts of China,and by a stable monetary policy. 政府扩大投资,尤其是在中国中西部地区的基础建设,支持了机构调整和改革继续发展。稳健的货币政策也是一项有力的支持。
- stable monetary policy 稳健货币政策
- Why the Monetary Policy Always Stops at Branches? 央行货币政策缘何受阻基层?
- On Operating the Steady Monetary Policy? 稳健的货币政策是如何操作的?
- The first is of course monetary policy. 首先当然是货币政策。
- Were There Regime Switches in U.S. Monetary Policy? 美国货币政策是否有区制转换?
- Power in monetary policy will also shift. 货币政策的决策权力将会转移。
- COSATU is now meddling in monetary policy too. 南非总工会现在也干预货币政策。
- But all this complicates monetary policy. 但所有这些会使货币政策复杂化。
- Should monetary policy uses long-term rate? 货币政策应该使用长期利率吗?
- Stimulative monetary policy is not black magic. 刺激性货币政策并非妖术。
- S. monetary policy," Pettis said. 帕特提斯指出。
- We in the HKMA shall do our best to provide a stable monetary and banking environment to facilitate the resolution of these problems. 金管局会尽最大努力,确保货币与银行业环境保持稳定,让有关方面能专心解决这些问题。
- We need a stable monetary and financial environment to facilitate the resolution of the problems that Hong Kong is now facing. 我们需要稳定的货币与金融环境,才能更有效解决香港目前面对的问题。
- The role of the HKMA in this process is to maintain a stable monetary and banking environment so that structural adjustment can take place smoothly. 在这过程中,金管局的职责是维持稳定的货币与银行经营环境,使调整能顺利进行。
- Both Aurelian and Diocletian made attempts to establish a stable monetary system, but the solution of the problem was reserved for Constantine. 奥勒留和戴克里先都曾试图建立稳定的货币体系,但问题的解决还是留给了君士坦丁。
- In this era, the levels of minting and circulation of coin currency grew significantly, forming the foundation of a stable monetary system. 在该时期,货币的铸造水平和流通速度都有了显著的提高,从而奠定了稳定的货币体系基础。
- The Exchange Fund is the ultimate security for a stable monetary system for Hong Kong. Its purpose is to safeguard the exchange value of the Hong Kong dollar. 外汇基金是为保障本港货币体系的稳定而设,其目的是维持港元的币值。