- Heated shrinking and stretch films are used to consolidate multiple boxes on a pallet for stability and protection from dirt, water, oil, etc. 高温收缩薄膜用于加固置于运输托盘上的箱子,以加强其稳定性并可以防尘、防水、防油渍等。
- Instead of engaging the quads to stabilize and protect the knees, people who hyperextend usually just push their knee joints back. 有超伸的人如果没有收紧股四头肌去稳定和保护膝盖的话,那他们通常就是将膝关节向后推。
- Early Tokugawa stabilization and trends in thought. 早期德川幕府稳定期和思潮的趋势。
- Engine operating display and protection system. 发动机运行显示及保护系统。
- Alternator output display and protection system. 发动机输出显示及保护系统。
- They implored the sheriff to stay and protect them. 他恳求司法长官留下来保护他们。
- Volts\Hertz regulators and protection. 电压;频率调节器及保护。
- Put the power on and wait for stabilization and recalibrate. 打开电源,等仪器稳定后,重新校准。
- Jupiter represents expansion and protection. 木星代表扩张和保护。
- Rocks - Safety, refuge and protection. 岩石-安全、庇佑和防护。
- Its main functions are maintaining borehole gage,improving drill string stability and protecting lower drill string from excessive wear. 其重要作用是保持钻头尺寸符合标准,提高钻杆稳定性,避免钻杆下部过于磨损。
- The young in our society need care and protection. 我们社会的年轻人需要关怀和照顾。
- Proper implementation and protection of labels. 标签正确使用和保护.
- To watch over, nourish, and protect maternally. 抚养,保护母亲般地监督、养育和保护
- This dam was my province and protection. 这水坝是我的领地和庇护所。
- Ice Trojan experimental invasion and protection. 冰河木马入侵和防护实验。
- Our country set stability and unity at a premium. 我们国家十分重视安定团结。
- The local conditions and customs of it had very important influence on the rising of Chen Baxian, whereas Chen made an indelible contribution to maintaining the social stability and protecting the traditional culture of South China. 吴兴郡的风土人情对陈霸先的崛起产生了重要的影响,而陈霸先为维护南方社会稳定,保护南方华夏传统文化立下了不可磨灭的功勋。
- To respect Mother Nature and protect the ecosystem. 要尊重自然、保护生态。
- The viability of freeze-dried cells of Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus plantarum by adding different stabilizer and protectants such as skim milk, sucrose and trehalose were investigated. 研究了在冷冻干燥、高温及冻融等胁迫条件下,海藻糖对嗜热链球菌(Streptococcus ther-mophillus)和植物乳杆菌(Lactobacillus plantarum)菌体细胞的保护作用。