- Taste and inclination are unlike. 趣味不同。
- Early Tokugawa stabilization and trends in thought. 早期德川幕府稳定期和思潮的趋势。
- Please write as soon as you have the time and inclination. 请你一有时间和心情就马上写回信。
- stabilization and inclination 纠偏加固
- Put the power on and wait for stabilization and recalibrate. 打开电源,等仪器稳定后,重新校准。
- Our country set stability and unity at a premium. 我们国家十分重视安定团结。
- We must promote stability and unity. 我们必须促进安定团结。
- The set has stabile and reliable performance. 整机性能稳定、工作可靠,长期运转。
- His blood count has stabilized and is holding. 他的血细胞计数已稳定并持续不变。
- Leg - Strength, stability and expedition. 腿-力量、恒心和敏捷。
- Schools provide stability and a normal routine. 学校为学生们提供了安稳而且有规律的生活。
- Second, achieve stability and unity. 第二,要安定团结;
- One gets unsettled, depressed, and inclined to be querulous. 有的人变得心绪不宁,神情沮丧,动不动就爱发牢骚。
- That takes time, stability and independence. 达到这个目标需要时间、稳定和独立。
- They would have been heavy and uninspired and inclined to hate. 她们将会感到忧闷阴郁,平淡乏味,动辄怨天尤人了。
- However, lacking both time and inclination, I did not wait to hear about the afflicted cow, but took my leave. 可我既没功夫,也没这个嗜好;还没等他开讲那头惨兮兮的母牛,我就走了。
- Stability and Reactivity The product is stable. 稳定性与反应特性这个产品是稳定的.
- Non-logos and inclination of dying and non-stabilization are the basic characteristics of modem love. 而非理性、易逝性和不稳定性是现代爱情的基本特征。
- Stability and unity are of prime importance. 安定团结十分重要。
- The fish smelled admirably well. I balanced some time between principle and inclination. 这盘鱼闻起来美极了。我是吃还是不吃呢?按理说不该吃啊,唉,思量又思量。