- squatting and rising load 蹲起试验
- Fare tend to go down in the autumn and rise again at christmas. 交通票价秋季时趋于下降,而圣诞节期间又开始回升。
- The house had got woodworm and rising damp. 房子有蛀虫,而且有返潮。
- The wind began to moan and rise again. 大风呼啸,大雨重降,
- Towards the battering and rise of the tide. 平静面对潮起潮落。
- You should go to bed late and rise early. 你就应该晚睡早起。
- Go to bed with the lamb, and rise with the lark. 日出而作;日入而息.
- Go to bed with the lamb and rise with the lark. 随羔羊就寝,与云雀同起。
- Dr. Proudie became known as a useful and rising clergyman. 普劳迪博士给人认为是一个有用的、蒸蒸日上的教士。
- Front squatting and crouching is the natural prostrate way of carnivore. 前折蹲踞是食肉动物的自然俯卧方式。
- The water level in some 'barrier lakes' is high and rising. 部分堰塞湖的水位比较高,并且还在增长。
- Da Nian squats and lookes at the moon. 蹲坐着的大年抬头望月。
- They refused to be enslaved and rose in straggle. 他们不甘心受奴役而起来斗争了。
- Squat and minimize the contact area with the ground as far as possible. 应该蹲著并尽量减少与地面接触的面积。
- Violent crime in Japan is at a 23-year high----and rising. 日本的暴力犯罪率达到23年来的最高水平,而且仍在增长。
- So far, this cult is about the making and rising of "false" god(s). 迄今为止,这是关于“虚假的”上帝的创造和抬升。
- There is an equation between unemployment and rising crime levels. 失业人数增加则犯罪数量增加。
- China is a rising power and rising powers engender fears. 中国是一个新兴大国,而新兴大国总是会带来恐惧。
- While squatting and cramming himself under the eaves, he conjectured that: why she always came last for the meal was probably the same as that of him. 他蹲在房檐下,一边往嘴里扒拉饭,一边在心里猜测:她之所以也常常最后来取饭,原因大概和他一样。
- The barometric pressure thirty point zero eight and rising. 大气压为30。08,并继续上升中。