- squab broiler 小童子鸡
- Don't keep squab bring with me.I'm sick of you! 这小两口为了钱吵吵闹闹5余年。
- Don't keep squab bring with me. I'm sick of you! 这小两口为了钱吵吵闹闹5余年。
- To make toasts: Prepare grill or preheat broiler. 制作烤面包片:准备烤架或预热烤焙用具。
- Matsui Japan 3: "broiler" why "spring chicken"? 3日本松井:“童子鸡”为什么叫“春天的小鸡”?
- Squab) from the United States is generally exported frozen . 美国的雏鸽通常以冷冻的形式出口,所以需要冷冻。
- Both men said it takes a lot of food to raise squab. 但他们两人均认为养殖乳鸽需要耗费大量食物。
- Bob says exporting smoked squab would not be a solution either. 说出口烟熏的乳鸽不是一个解决办法,在烟熏过程中,乳鸽肉变软。
- Coccidiostats are routinely used in broiler feeds every day. 抗球虫药物每天均用于肉用仔鸡饲料中。
- In any case, we put the question to two scrub(squab) producers. 不管怎样,我们把问题交给了两个雏鸟生长者。
- Place frittata in broiler until top is set, about 1 minute. 将煎饼放在上面加热约1分钟。
- Squab from the United States is generally exported frozen. 美国的雏鸽一般冷冻出口。
- B is president de /of the squab producers of California. B是加利福利亚鸽子生产商的主席。
- Production of broiler chickens in 2006 is expected up 3 percent. 预计2006年肉鸡产量会增长3%25。”
- Bob Shipley is president of the Squab Producers of California. 并且,他还认为出口鸽子不如出口其他种蛋白质划算,像鸡肉。
- In any case, we put the question to two squab producers. 不管怎么样,我们将问题交给两家雏鸽生产商。
- After she put the lamb chops in the broiler, she sat down to open the package. 她把羊排放进烤肉器里以后,便坐下来开那盒子。
- Excess salt induced PVR, which was prevented by verapamil in broiler chickens. 高盐诱发了肉鸡PVR,维拉帕米显著抑制了高盐对PVR的诱发作用。
- In the smoking process squab meat become very soft almost like paste. 在熏制的过程中,雏鸟肉会变得很软,有点像面团。
- In many question(any case),we put the question to two scrab(squab) producers. 在很多时候,我们把问题交给两个雏鸟的饲养者。